Searching transition

I am looking in Shotcut for a transition named “Page curl”.
Some slideshow maker programs have such a transition
sometimes to the left and to the right.
Could not find it in Shotcut.
Where is it hiding ?
Answers will be appreciated

Shotcut version 21.06.29

Try to export the transition from another program and use it in shotcut.

Jonray also has a solution, but I was unable to find his topic.

It is part of the gl-transitions.

View this thread

The WebGL transitions are no longer available. You can emulate a “page curl transition” using a certai green-screen video as the base. See:

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The “Page Curl” transition, well, I followed the video tutorial “How to adapt transitions from another video programs”.
(I have not “Windows Movie Maker” even it supposed to be on the system but its not).
I used some nice slideshow maker program, as said before, followed the instructions and made the “Page curl transition”.
In the above program, made a short clip with the original transition, then made the same clip with the ‘home made’ transition in Shotcut.
Its not the same quality. Or may be I missed something ?
Here attached two short clips only to demonstrate the transition difference.
Page Curl - (2.4 MB)

One is named the Original, the other is the Home made transition.
Answers will be appreciated.

Home made have some problems, you can use a green screen video is normally available online (For green screen, you just need to use chroma key, not the way that is shown in jonray’s video, otherwise it won’t work) :-

  1. Just create a new track above your video.
  2. Apply chroma key to the green screen stock footage.
  3. Relax and drink some coffee when your edit is done and you are exporting.
  4. See the video after export.
  5. If doesn’t look good (or looks good) , post further.
  6. What Else?

Thanks for the answer.
Looks much nicer.
6. What else ? Just this: The Green goes away (OK), but how to remove the black portion from the beginning, which covers the first clip ?
Please see attached made video cljp.
Answers appreciated
Thanks again.

It does not happens with me when I try to reproduce, can you take the screenshots of the process you did to make remove the green screen.

It kind of look like this with me with almost a very little time and effort doing this (You obviously need it in correct timing):-

The best possible guess is you haven’t created a new track and just used the green video in the single track, you just need to press CTRL + I and then add the video on the new track by dragging it to the new track.

As I said before, it looks better but how to remove the black part.
So instead of taking lot of screenshots, I send a zip file with the ingredients to reconstruct the ‘problem’. Because of size limitations to upload the zip file, you can take any two small video clips for this purpose. There is also a general full screen shot of the program.
Green Screen Paper Fold (1.5 MB)

Here is how to do it from your green screen video


Very clever @Namna!
It’s faster than it looks when the overlay clip is already cut. And you can do many in a row without having to start a new project for each transition you want to make. Just use Copy timeline to Source to export the first chromakeyed clip of the transition.

Très astucieux @Namna !
C’est plus rapide qu’il n’y paraît lorsque le clip superposé est déjà coupé. Et vous pouvez faire plusieurs transitions à la suite sans avoir à démarrer un nouveau projet pour chaque transition. Il suffit d’utiliser Copier la timeline vers la source pour exporter le clip que vous souhaitez réutiliser.

Works well with these overlays I found on YouTube:
Cela fonctionne bien avec ces superpositions que j’ai trouvées sur YouTube : (Use this link if the Streamable video is unavailable)

If anyone is interested, here’s the YouTube video where I got them.
There are 12 different ones on the video, I’ve cut the ones I like into separate clips.
The author provides this link to download the video.


C’est là où une fonction exporter (en fichier mlt) une portion de la timeline comprise entre 2 marqueurs et le placer directement dans la Playlist nous ferait gagner de nombreux clics.
Si @Brian nous lit … :star_struck:

Thank you,
This is where a function to export (as an mlt file) a portion of the timeline between 2 markers and place it directly in the Playlist would save us many clicks.
If @Brian reads us … :star_struck:

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Thanks for the beautiful tutorial.
Lot of work for the first time, followed carefully the video and got results, attached here my first homework.

There is a small question, if you watch the video, there are very tiny remains of the green. Is it possible to clean them ?
I tried to adjust a little bit higher the green filter but it disturbed the color of the clip.
Can I use the same technic on other transitions if I find any ? (where)
Thanks again.


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From a post from @MusicalBox to a similar query:

Try applying an Alpha Channel: Adjust filter, set the mode to blur, and raise the amount to around 3%.

Vos vidéos ont une dominante verte, il serait donc préférable d’avoir un fichier de transition avec la couleur opposée (magenta).
Si vous pouvez publier une image de votre vidéo 1 et une image de votre vidéo 2, nous pourrions voir quels sont les réglages optimum pour éliminer au maximum les traces vertes.
Toutefois, à vitesse réelle, vous avez vraiment une bonne vue pour les distinguer aussi précisément. Seul un arrêt sur image permet au spectateur de remarquer le défaut.

Your videos are predominantly green, so it would be better to have a transition file with the opposite color (magenta).
If you can publish an image of your video 1 and an image of your video 2, we could see what the optimum settings are to eliminate the green traces as much as possible.
However, at real speed, you have a really good view to distinguish them as accurately. Only a freeze frame allows the viewer to notice the defect.

Translated with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator (free version)

1/ Je ne connais pas l’Anglais, à l’époque où on l’enseignait dans mon école, je ne me doutais pas qu’il pourrait me servir un jour.
2/ J’ai déjà entendu ma voix enregistrée et je ne me reconnais pas, bien que je parle en Français, qu’est-ce que cela doit être en Anglais!
3/ Je n’ai pas de chaine ni de compte YT

Il faudrait donc que j’écrive mon texte en Français, le donner à traduire en Anglais à mon assistante (Mrs DeepL), copier sa réponse pour la coller dans un synthétiseur vocal qui me fournirait un fichier son à synchroniser avec ma vidéo dans SC !
C’est trop compliqué pour moi … :roll_eyes:

1/ I don’t know English, at the time it was taught in my school, I had no idea it would be useful to me one day.
2/ I’ve already heard my voice recorded and I don’t recognize myself, even though I speak in French, what must it be like in English!
3/ I don’t have a channel or a YT account

So I would have to write my text in French, give it to my assistant (Mrs. DeepL) to translate into English, copy her answer and paste it into a voice synthesizer that would provide me with a sound file to synchronize with my video in SC!
It’s too complicated for me … :roll_eyes:

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The page curl overlay you used is not of very high quality. The edges of the curl are somewhat blurry and there is also a line surrounding the image (as you can see here). That’s one of the reasons there is residual green. You can try adjusting the Distance parameter of the Chromakey: Simple filter or adding a Key Spill filter, but I’m afraid that last one might also disturb the color of the clip.
The best solution would be to try to find an better quality overlay in my opinion.

It might work partially on that particular case. But the Alpha Channel: Adjust filter will only remove the residual green that bleeds out of the curl. There is also some green inside.