Searching transition

Thanks again for all the answers.
Attached here as I was requested, small zip file containing two frames from the both video clips,
On one answer I’ve been told “The page curl overlay… not very high quality”.
That is what I found and downloaded from the internet.
Thanks again for all answers.
Two Frames from the two Video (501.4 KB)

Thanks again for all answers.
I have noticed that most transitions in the slideshow makers programs, default duration is 2 seconds.
So first I modified the Greenscreen paper fold turn video to 2 seconds (first trimmed it on both ends as on the tutorial).
All the rest followed the tutorial, and finally applied Alpha Channel: Adjust filter, as on one of the answers. Traces of green almost gone.
Final video attached here for your comments.
Thanks and all the best.

J’ai essayé d’améliorer un peu la qualité de votre fichier Greenscreen paper fold turn video, mais surtout j’ai remplacé le fond vert par un fond magenta. Cela permet de pousser un peu plus le paramètre distance dans le dernier filtre Chroma Key: Simple.
Capture d’écran avec distance = 35

I tried to improve the quality of your Greenscreen paper fold turn video file a bit, but mostly I replaced the green background with a magenta background. This allows to push a little bit more the distance parameter in the last Chroma Key: Simple filter.
Screenshot with distance = 35

Here is the “Greenscreen paper fold turn video” modified (21.1 KB)

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