Please advise how to sharpen the video on .mp4. The video was originally captured on Sony V8 tape in about 1980 and later converted by me on VHS tape. Now my camcorder and VHS player have been broken, leaving me no device playing the tapes. Then I sent the VHS tape to a local professional shop ripping it on DVD. The video is not clear. I convert the video on DVD to computer as .mp4 file.
Please advise how to sharpen the video on ShotCut, its size about 180MB.
I got it(sharpen filter). My ShotCut seems missing something. I got the file on TimeLine V1. But I couldn’t find how to start running the filter. Please see attached screenshot
My desktop PC is connected to a 4K 32" Dell display. The big dot is there (please refers to the screenshot of my previous posting). Clicking the big dot with mouse pointer is without response)
Bear in mind that it only has the input data to work with - like trying to sharpen up an old fuzzy photograph more often than not will give disappointing results - a sharper fuzzy image.
3 conversions from the original possibly lost definition each time.
Can you either borrow or buy a VHS and try a conversion again.
Now I have delivery of the video ripped on an USB stick, in mp4 format, from the professional shop.
The total duration of the video is 1 hour and 27 minutes. At the beginning of the video only background music playing but without picture, with only words indicating the location. I couldn’t understand WHY? The video is not clear playing on full screen (my display 32" 4K Dell display)
If not playing on full screne the indoor video is quite sharp but the outdoor scene is not sharp (blurry). I have cut a section of the video and upload it to YouTube as example.