Crop video

No help files, no user guide, just a community forum? Okay, I’m game.

I notice that the amount of tools they present are limited. But, I was wondering if I can crop videos when in editing mode? I don’t mean the length, or the resolution. I mean cropping like you would do when editing an image. The last two apps I tried had the feature, but lack other things.

I’ve watched a few of the videos and read some posts, but all they talk about is cropping length to splice in or similar.

Is the app more for just splicing and controlling video length, so it doesn’t offer such things? Is there is a way to crop or to find more tools?

Thank you.
DezMon22 (Alexi)

To come up with a permanent user guide is a bit impossible since Shotcut is continuously evolving every few months. To read all of the changes, look here.

When cropping in Shotcut, you are cropping a selected video clip to your project’s Video Mode.
The Video Mode is set first (Resolution/FPS) before you bring any media into your project.

There are 2 documentation posts for cropping.

To see what is possible with Shotcut, look through this section:

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