View > Subtitles

The Subtitles Panel was added in Shotcut 24.08

The Subtitles Panel can be used to add subtitles to a project. Subtitles can only be added to the Timeline. They can not be added to the playlist or clips. We recommend to save subtitle editing until the timeline editing is complete because moving or cutting clips on the timeline will break the subtitle synchronization.

Subtitle Tracks
To start editing subtitles, click the “add” button and give the subtitle track and name and language.


After the subtitle track is created the subtitle track area will appear in the timeline above the top video track. Multiple subtitle tracks can be added. But only the currently selected subtitle track is shown in the Subtitle Panel and the Timeline.

Adding Subtitles
Click the “Add subtitle” button to make a new subtitle item at the cursor position. Then type in the “Current” text area to add the text.

Importing Subtitles
Subtitles can also be imported. Supported subtitle import formats include: SRT, VTT, ASS, and SSA. Subtitles are imported at the current cursor position.So be sure to place the cursor before importing subtitles from a file.

Exporting Subtitles
Subtitles can be exported to a file. Subtitles are exported in SRT format.

Embedding Subtitles
When exporting a Shotcut project, subtitles will be embedded in the output file if the file format supports it. Formats that commonly support subtitles include MKV, MOV and MP4.



I’m very excited by the Subtitles feature but I don’t seem to be ale to do the following:

  1. In the “Subtitles” panel I created a new Subtitle track
  2. I added three lines of text into the panel at three different points on the Timeline
  3. I use the Subtitle Burn In filter on the Output and it inserts the 3 text lines
  4. I play the video and it all plays perfectly

So far so good. Now,

  1. I Export the Subtitle track created above to an SRT file
  2. I open the file in a text editor and it looks pukka :
  3. I remove the Subtitle Burn In filter on the Output and delete the Subtitle track created above:
  4. image
  5. Still in the “Subtitles” panel I try to Import the SRT file I created above and whatever I do, in whatever order, this is what I get “No subtitles found to import”:

I’ve clearly missed an important step so please help me if you can!

Many thanks in advance

Hi @BeretGascon, I followed your steps and it works for me. There must be something different between our systems. I suggest to start a new discussion thread for your specific problem and we can try to debug it. In that other thread, you can share the SRT file that will not import and someone else can try it.

I am using subtitles in my current work and have difficulty with moving them down a little.
All the subtitles are ok now, but I would like to move them so that they can be clearly read.
Forgive me as I am still new to Shotcut :wink:

So I create the filter of Size Position… with the track selected, moved down the subtitles and thought it was ok.

In the export file, I discover that I now had 2 lines with subtitles : a mess !

What wrong ?
Or what should I do to move them all at once down ?

Otherwise, I had another idea to create, like in Gimp, a gradient mask (up transparent, and down below the subtitles a little grey) but could not manage to do it.

What would be your best advices ?

Thanks a lot !

On the video I just show the difference when I click the filter Size…

Les sous titres sont sur la piste de sortie, au dessus des pistes. Vous avez rajouté une piste : V 5-ssTitres dont vous modifiez la position. Cette piste fait doublon avec les sous titres de la piste Sortie. C’est pour cette raison que vous voyez 2 sous titres. Supprimez cette piste
Pour modifier la position des sous titres, sélectionnez Sortie(Output), cliquez sur le picto A dans le panneau sous titres, modifiez la couleur, la taille, la position… comme dans cette vidéo :

Subtitles are on the output track, above the tracks. You’ve added a new track: V 5-ssTitles, whose position you modify. This track duplicates the Output subtitles. This is why you see 2 subtitles. Delete this track.
To modify the position of the subtitles, select Output, click on pictogram A in the subtitles panel, modify color, size, position… as in this video :

How exactly did you play and observe this? When you render subtitles with a text filter in Shotcut, the subtitles are still embedded as timed text subtitles in the export file. Then, when you play this with a player it may show the embedded subtitles in addition to your rendered subtitles. You can turn off embedded subtitles in the Export > Other tab.

The V5 track was added automatically by the “detect speech and transcribe”: if I suppress it, no more subtitle on the screen ;\

In another player.

I don’t understand anything anymore !!

For reminder : the subtitles were automatically generated, and it took time to check and correct them.
I discover now that they are in double :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
So, I desactivate the "subtitles burn in’, is that ok ?
…because I cannot see Export > Other tab (I have Export > Video / frame / EDI…)

Thank you !

That is incorrect. Trust me, I know my software. @SergeC also gave some misleading information:

But that is not what you screenshot shows. There is no filter on Timeline > Output.

That renders the subtitles as text using a single Subtitle Burn In filter on the Timeline > Output.

Your V5 track was created by using Subtitles > menu > Generate Text on Timeline. That is an alternative to the Subtitle Burn In Serge suggested. This means there is the potential for subtitles to appear 3 times:

  1. Using Generate Text on Timeline
  2. Using the Subtitle Burn In filter on the Output
  3. The player display embedded subtitles

Why only answer the question half-way? I asked “exactly.” Now, I suggest to use Shotcut to view the exported video. Shotcut does not directly display embedded subtitles. Moreover, it seems you ignored my advice to try Export > Other > Delete subtitles.

Your description for how you tried to reposition the subtitles-as-text seems fine by the way.

Please do not continue this discussion here any further. Start a new thread.