V21.01 BETA is now available to test

I am not able to reproduce this unless I intentionally remove a file in the project. I would need more information like from where did you move it? And was this an unsaved project or saved project? If saved, where was it saved? Are you exporting from timeline?

10 got fixed but is 9 still being worked on?

14) Maybe this one’s for @brian, but on the latest build, when you hit the F key after selecting a clip then type the name of the filter you want the highlight that normally appeared on the first item on the list doesn’t automatically appear now. You have to now press down in order to activate the highlight otherwise no filter will be selected if you just press Enter.

15) With Size, Position & Rotate, let’s say you pick Left on Horizontal Fit and Top on Vertical Fit and zoom out it will be placed on the top left. But if you leave it there zoomed out then change it to let’s say Right on Horizontal Fit and Bottom on Vertical Fit it doesn’t change position. Is that on purpose? Because with Text: Simple when you make changes to the Horizontal Fit and Vertical Fit parameters the text placement changes right away

16) With the Crop: Source filter it goes back to full picture when you take the pixel count towards the end of any one of the parameters:

Also it’s clashes with Preview Scaling when you do the same:

I did some testing around a change in behavior in this area, and I did not find anything. “releasing cache” might not be as impactful as you expect.

Fair enough, thanks for checking. If I close Shotcut, restart it, open the project, and immediately export, then Shotcut takes up only 1.5 GB of RAM. The rest is available to melt.exe. So I assumed the difference from 1.5 GB to 9 GB would be frame cache from editing. If it makes a difference, there are a lot of speed change effects in this project.

This is not new, but I fixed it.

14) Maybe this one’s for @brian, but on the latest build, when you hit the F key after selecting a clip then type the name of the filter you want the highlight that normally appeared on the first item on the list doesn’t automatically appear now.

This is a side effect of the fix to prevent automatically scrolling the filter list. There are no plans to address this.

15) With Size, Position & Rotate, let’s say you pick Left on Horizontal Fit and Top on Vertical Fit and zoom out it will be placed on the top left. But if you leave it there zoomed out then change it to let’s say Right on Horizontal Fit and Bottom on Vertical Fit it doesn’t change position. Is that on purpose?

This is intentional and will not be changed. Since the rewrite introducing Rotate, the fit options also serve as the anchor points for Zoom and Rotate. Text: Simple is different because it does not have Zoom or Rotate. Here, it is the classic options that determine how to fit a rectangle inside another rectangle - the same as SPR when Size mode = Fit.

I checked multiple .mlt projects for the issue and the error only occurs with files that has:
also if I change the speed property in Shotcut to smth else I can export again until I close the program, and if I try to reopen the project after (saving) and export it again the issue occurs.

Confirmed. There is an issue here. I started a project with the nightly build from two days ago and in that project I took one small clip and slowed it down in Properties to 0.25 and I reused that slowed down clip 3 times. I was able to export the project in that same session but when I closed it and opened that mlt file with the nightly build from 2 days ago I got the exact message that @dailylolrecap posted up when I pressed the Export button. It wasn’t until I deleted all 3 instances of that clip that I slowed down to 0.25 that I was able to export. The only way I was able to export the mlt file with the slowed down clip after closing it was opening it with v20.11.28.

So there is some big problem happening here but I don’t know what the exact trigger for it is because when I tried to reproduce it by starting a new project, making sure to slow down a clip and opening the project after saving it I could export it. So something along with slowing down the clip in Properties is causing the error message in export.

Wow. You are thorough. Nothing gets past you. Dan is right that this is a side-effect of the change. But I chose not to restore that behavior because I prefer this new behavior. I have inadvertently selected the wrong filter too many time by accidentally hitting “Enter” by habit just like I would when searching in Google.

I guess this issue is a result of the mlt upgrade

Your issue is not related to the MLT upgrade. Actually, every build we provide includes the latest unreleased MLT because we make MLT as well. When that appears in the release notes, it is more-or-less a passing note about a new MLT release and a hint to Linux distributions that make their own build. Your issue is a regression in the following Shotcut bug fix, which will be reverted before release if we do not reproduce and fix it confidently in a low risk manner:

I will need to work harder to reproduce this. Can you share an .mlt file that gives the error message when you open it?

I reproduced and fixed the export missing files error.

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So will it auto change into not beta?

And thanks @brian for taking the time to correct that pesky automatic scroll down bug.

@shotcut, I just tested the latest build and I want to thank you for adding the red outline to the Playlist as well as fixing bugs 9 and 10. I was using the Logging layout to make subclips from a larger video and now with the modifications it’s so much comfortable to do because I can see whether or not I have actually opened or copied a clip. I was able to catch myself several times when I mistakenly thought I had copied a clip and that allowed me to not mess up the start and end points I had set up for those prepared clips. This makes such a difference! :slightly_smiling_face:

There is an annoying thing I am noticing though after pressing F2 to change the name of a clip in the Playlist. After changing that clip’s name, if you go to that same clip in the Playlist and press Shift+C to copy that clip, it doesn’t do anything and if you click away to another clip a “C” gets added to the name of the clip. This doesn’t happen though if you instead right click to copy the clip. Can this be fixed for Shift+C?

You have not done anything to clear focus from the name field. When something more detailed like a field has focus the global shortcuts do not apply. You need to do click something such as the playlist clip or the player or use Shift+Esc to clear focus. Enter does not do it; it applies the change without removing focus. There are other fields in Properties that seem to apply and clear focus, but that is only because the clip must be reloaded to override a media attribute.

This is off-topic for a beta; see rules above.

What’s the situation on 16?

Your 16 will not be addressed in this release.