Title wipe

After the brilliant Test Transition video and subsequent tutorial Mask Transition Effects Tutorial - Includes Wipe Mask Transition video by @bentacular, I was wondering how I could apply the technique to my videos as I do not tend to perform sideways video movements that often.

So I decided I wanted to use it to perform a title wipe effect whereby the title would appear after the figure crossing the screen but during the process, I preferred making the video more 3 dimensional by walking in front of the text.

I know this effect can be achieved more easily with other editors, I wanted to test my skills with Shotcut. Thought I’d share it on here https://streamable.com/twqwwr


That key is CLEAN! How long did this take to mask it up?


Amazing use case for this technique. Great job! I’m glad I had a small part in this brilliance.

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Thanks. It was about 60 image files to edit. Once I got into a sequence it was too bad. If I was to do it again, I’d probably need less as I wouldn’t edit some of the beginning or ending images. Glad I tried it though to get a head around the process. May try it as a wipe on for the text as well.


No thank you. Once I saw your process I was able to envisage how I could change it to suit my needs. :pray:

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Well done !

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Thank you :+1:

I only saw it on my phone earlier. But now I can look at it full screen. Damn ! You really did a great masking job on that clip @Andy_M

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Thank you. It was laborious at times and as it was only for a test a bit rough in places if you were to look closely at the .png’s
I’m satisfied with how it came out and has put the process a bit clearer in my mind.


Je viens de voir votre vidéo. C’est très original et c’est très bien fait. J’ai fait quelques arrêts sur image, le découpage est très précis.

I just saw your video. It’s very original and it’s very well done. I did some freeze frames, the cutting is very precise.

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Believe me it’s not that neat up close, but thank you for the kind words.

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Very effective. Good work. Worth the tedious effort! :+1:

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Many thanks :pray:

Very nice!

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