Text and line effect

Finally, Part 2 is done: https://youtu.be/IPXyJhIwWhY

Let me say that editing this about killed me. Recording the script and tweaking it was no problem, nor was shooting the basic footage. The problem is trying to coordinate the timing between the two; in particular, I had to do a LOT of editing to get the Shotcut-editing footage into something vaguely resembling the time frame of the narration. That problem was compounded by the fact that I jiggle and jaggle as I move the mouse around, so part of how I cut the time down on the Shotcut-editing footage was eliminating a few frames here, a few frames there, to cut out un-neccessary mouse movement. As you can see in this picture, the resulting timeline looks like the main course at a Japanese steak restaurant after the cook is finished dicing it!

I also had some “clicks” in the sound track where I was trying to match the slight hiss in background noise while waiting for something in the video track to complete … somewhat annoying, but I decided to go ahead and post this, given how long it has taken. I will make “better hissing” a goal for the future!


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