Quick Tutorial - Text drop shadows

A simple way to add drop shadows to your text in Shotcut.
Please note that the filters order is important.


Where’s the sound of your melodic voice?

@bentacular My melodic (and angelic) voice left me near the end of the 70’s :sob:

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Let me know if you want me to read your script with a French accent…

That’s odd… Morgan Freeman made me the same offer a couple of days ago :slight_smile:

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Sounds expensive

Nicely done - thanks. I’ve not played with the adjust channel:alpha filter before; clearly it is time to do so!

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Thank you so much! I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time.

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Glad you like it @UhSir. Thanks for the comment :+1:

@musicalbox - I missed this the first time. Brilliant tutorial - thanks, I learned from it :+1: :grinning:

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Oui, je l’avais raté aussi.
Ce filtre “Alpha Channel: Adjust” est malheureusement trop méconnu. Je viens de m’apercevoir que l’on peut faire de même sur une forme (rectangle, ellipse …)
Merci @Musicalbox

Yes, I had missed it too.
This “Alpha Channel: Adjust” filter is unfortunately too little known. I just found out that you can do the same on a shape (rectangle, ellipse …)
Thanks @Musicalbox :+1:

Capture d’écran 2021-09-25 à 12.06.57