I’m just an amateur who makes fanvids. I “grew up” using Moviemaker then got thrown out with the bath water. I learned about Shotcut from a couple of reviews. Tried a few programs and Shotcut was the only one that didn’t make me want to quit making videos.
My system is:
Lenovo ideacentre 710-25ISH
Motherboard Lenovo 00XK044 Intel S115X
CPU Intel Core i5-6400
NVIDIA GeForce GT 730, 2GB memory (PCIe 2.0 x 16)
Chipset Intel H170
Memory UDIMM, DDR4 2133MHz. 2-8G sticks, planning to add 2 more
Power Supply HuntKey (250W) planning to upgrade to 400W
Storage: System SSHD 1TB+8GB, WD Blue 1TB, WD Blue 2TB