Impossible to modify the duration

I create a diaporama with 171 pictures (only pictures and free music). At the beginning I have to choose the duration wich is applied to all the pictures. The problem is, I can’t modify this value for some pictures (cursor to modify the duration is inactive).
Thank you by advance for your help.


Are you using the Slideshow Generator?

If so, there is some related discussion about setting the duration here:

If you are not using the Slideshow Generator, can you share a screenshot to show the problem you are describing?

Hello @brian,

Yes I am using slideshow generator. As an example, below the steps I followed :

The Slideshow Generator dialog opens :

I adjust the settings and click OK
My images are added to the current track on the Timeline

If I want to modify, for instance “transition duration”, only for the second and the fourth image (it’s just an example) it’s impossible. So I have to redo everything. Very boring.


It’s impossible to do when you are using the Slideshow generator. All transitions will have the same duration. But is is possible to manually edit the duration of any of the transition after the slideshow is generated.

But only the right end of a transition can be moved right AND left (right: extend duration. Left: reduce duration).
The left end of the transition, in the case of an image slideshow at least, can only be moved to the right.

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Hello @MusicalBox,

Thank you for your quick and very clear explanations. Video is very useful, more than words I would say.


Hi @fantomas, Are your transitions fade -is / fade-outs? If so you can add fade transitions by moving two clips to different tracks, overlapping them and applying quick fade-ins to both using the “throbber”. It may be a technique which is useful.
See this super-quick demo I made:

Note: applying the throbber to a clip on V1 will give you a “fade-in from black” so make sure you move the clips to a higher track. Then a normal fade-in will be applied.
[EDIT: Ooops, I originally posted the incorrect demo video. This is the correct one].

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Hello @jonray,
Thank you for your very clear explanations. Video is very useful.

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