Slideshow Generator defaults

Is there a way to set defaults for the Slideshow Generator? I’m getting a pretty good handle on using it for the results I want.
Since I have about a dozen more to make before next Wednesday, it would be helpful to have the parameter switches already set to what I will change them up front.



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no (unless you can modify the source code and build it yourself).

Well, then I guess it’s no. Thanks for the info.


When I use the slideshow generator, I find that I need to iterate a few times to get the settings just right. So I generate a slideshow, view the results, and then delete everything on the track and try again. Each time I try I have to reset all the settings. I think it could save some time to remember the settings from the last run (even if they don’t persist after Shotcut restarts). I’ve changed this post to a suggestion and bookmarked it to remind myself to revisit it sometime.

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I also really want to be able to save changes to default settings without interfering with the source code. And if in the future it becomes possible to also create presets for the slide show generator, this will be very good.

In the 24.01.28 release, the slideshow generator settings are saved and then restored each time it is opened. This should save quite a few steps.

Changed the Slideshow Generator to remember all options.

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