So if I have two video clips, clip A is actually a cover SS (still image), which I want clip B, a video, to come out of the SS from a specific spot, and a small citcle, so as the video comes out, it “fades into Full screen” covering over the still image it came from.
I know how to use fade filters. And sure I can have Clip B on track 2, overlay 4 seconds or whatever and fade IN clip over Opacity, while fading the SS out from Opacity, but the two cover entire screen, and this particular video project, I’m not wanting that.
The SS will have multiple still images I’ll be refferencing in multiple topics on my video project, and I was hoping as I’m talking over project, all that’s seen on video is SS, but as I introduce into each topic specifically, a small circle video fades in opacity within one of the many images, and that video blends to full screen, no longer seeing the still image SS for few minutes and than video fades back out and the SS is back to do so again for a different part of image, different clip.
Is this possible? Some one please explain? OR lead me to the proper How to Video? thanks.
I watched some videos on blending, and that doesn’t seem to cover what I want. Maybe blending is, if I can find the right mode? Blending if I understand is dragging one clip over second clip, both overlapping, on same track, and getting a X symbol between the two covering the common space on track, and you open Properties, and you have different blending Modes? I’ve experimented with that, but I can’ add a filter to it and crop it or change size so it just blends in a small circle, not entire screen.
EVENTUALLY I want it to go to entire screen, after 6 or so seconds, but the first of the fade in, i want a small circle.
I want it almost to look like the Still image I’m going to refer to in video comes to life as I start to discuss that image??