Help with Export

Hi all! I’ve been trying to export this simple video for a long minute. These are the properties of the exported file which I have pulled into Shotcut. It plays perfectly in the playlist, but not in the timeline, or in other programs. If anyone can give me a clue about what to change in my export settings, I’d be very grateful.

Thanks – Rose


Your source video might be Variable Frame rate, and Shotcut may have warned you when you opened the file. But I’m only guessing here since you didn’t provide any information about your source video, or anything about the project video mode, or export settings.

Try using Covert to Edit Friendly.


In what way is it not perfect or what you expected?
I see your video has a strange frame rate. That is because you used the Automatic Video Mode, and this is how your source video appears. It might be variable frame rate. In any case, next time, set a Video Mode to something other than Automatic to gain more control and use a more common frame rate.

Great advice - thanks to you both!

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