Filter Set | Unblur/Zoom/Blur animated title

I made a filters set that generates a simple but cool looking animated title.
NOTE: You need Shotcut version 23.05.14 (and up) to use filters sets.

Here’s a demo

In this ZIP file, you’ll find versions of the filters set for 3840x2160, 1920x1080 and 1280x720 projects.
Download: (2.9 KB)


  • Download the ZIP file and un-zip the content somewhere on your computer.

  • Launch Shotcut

  • Go to Settings > App Data Directory > Show
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Someone commented on YouTube that he doesn’t see the filter-sets folder in his Shotcut App Data Directory. I think that this folder is probably only added to the directory when you create your first custom filters set. So if you don’t see the filter-sets folder, do this to create it:

    • Add any clip to the Timeline
    • Apply one or more filters.
    • Click the Copy checked filters button.
    • Enter a name in the dialog box and click OK to save the filter set.
  • Exit Shotcut

  • In the App Data Directory, open the filter-sets folder.

  • Move the un-zipped file(s) of your choice inside that folder.

  • Launch Shotcut. Open a project or create a new one.

  • Add a transparent clip in the Timeline and make it 7 seconds long.

  • Make sure the clip is selected and go to the Filters panel.

  • Click the + button and select the Sets category.

  • Click on the TITLE_Unblur-Zoom-Blur filters set.



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Thank you!


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Thank you!

Looks awesome, thanks you

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Thank you!

I’ve added an IMPORTANT NOTE in the INSTRUCTION part of my first post.
It’s about the filter-sets folder that is apparently absent from the App Data Directory if you’ve never created a custom filter set.

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I believe if you haven’t created a custom filter set before you can just add the file to the following path. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong …

C:\Program Files\Shotcut\share\shotcut\filter-sets

@jonray this looks like the folder for the filter sets that are included with Shotcut.
I think that if you add custom sets in that folder they will be vaporized the next time you upgrade Shotcut.

That’s why there is a App Data Directory outside of Shotcut’s main directory. That folder is not erased when upgrading.

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Ah, OK, I understand. Thanks @musicalbox

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Just thinking @musicalbox - so to to be able to use external filter sets made by others it’s best to create one first (even a really basic one) thus creating a filter-sets folder in the App Data Directory?

@Jonray. Hello. Excuse me for replying on behalf of MusicalBox…
The path for the filter sets is not :
C:\Program Files\Shotcut\share\shotcut\filter-sets
but :
C:\Users\ yourName\AppData\Local\Meltytech\Shotcut\filter-sets

If the filter-sets folder has not yet been created, you can create a new folder here (with windows):
C:\Users\ yourName\AppData\Local\Meltytech\Shotcut
name: filter-sets
and then import or paste filter-sets made by others directly into this folder,
or follow the MusicalBox instructions.

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Interesting. Thanks very much. @SergeC

I suggest that filter-set shares also be uploaded as .txt files.
In this way, they can also be used with versions 2022, by Copy/Paste in the filters tab,
for those who can’t install V2023.

Je suggère que les partages de filter-sets soient également uploadé sous forme de fichier .txt
Ainsi, ils pourront être utilisés également avec les versions 2022, par Copier/Coller dans l’onglet filtres,
pour ceux qui ne peuvent installer les V2023.

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Not a bad idea @SergeC. Nevertheless, filter-sets from 2023 versions can easily be used in 2022 versions. They are, after all, just text files without the .txt extension. They can be opened in Notepad, then copied and pasted into the filter panel.

Ce n’est pas une mauvaise idée @SergeC. Néanmoins, les filter-sets des version de 2023 peuvent être facilement utilisés dans les versions 2022. Ce ne sont, après tout, que des fichiers texte sans l’extension .txt. Ils peuvent être ouverts dans le Bloc-Note (NotePad), puis Copié/Collé dans le panneau des filtres.

@MusicalBox Damn! I should have tested before I mentioned it :zipper_mouth_face::pleading_face: Sorry

@MusicalBox Pfff ! J’aurais du tester avant de parler. :zipper_mouth_face::pleading_face: Désolé

L’idée reste bonne @SergeC, et je la garde en mémoire. Tout le monde ne sait pas que ces fichiers filter-set sans extension peuvent être ouverts dans le Bloc-Note…

The idea is still good @SergeC, and I’ll keep it in mind. Not everyone knows that those filter-set files with no extension can be opened in NotePad.

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Oh, I absolutely LOVE this! Thank you so much! Now I’ll probably go and look for more filter sets! This is fun!

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You’re welcome @Jammet_Leopard. Glad you like it.