Exported 60fps video feels like 20fps


I’m a beginner here.
I’m filming roadtrip videos on my phone with 1080p 60fps. Source videos on my PC looks good, when camera moving slow it feels like real 60fps, some tiny twitching starts only when camera moving fast, but I don’t mind.
Problem is when video is exported - it doesn’t feel like 60fps anymore. If there is even slight camera movement - video starts twitching like it’s 30fps or even less. Picture quality is excellent, on pause I can’t see any difference from source. But as long as it’s being played - difference is huge. Details of exported file says 60fps.
I’ve tried H.264 with libx264 codec, HEVC with libx265 codec, different quality percentage, even different Deinterlacer - didn’t helped at all.
What’s the problem here? Wrong export format, settings or my computer?

Where did you set the export frame rate in Shotcut? If you used Export > Advanced > Video > Frames/sec you did it wrong. That only changes the export frame rate after it was already rendered at a certain frame rate according to the Video Mode. The video is rendered using Video Mode and then encoded using the export settings. (The next version adds guard rails around people using these fields for the wrong reason.)

In addition to the Video Mode, check if your clips are Variable Frame Rate.

This is not intuitive to some new users, but you should not need to change any parameters in the “Advanced” section of the export panel. Just choose a standard profile and the Video Mode will handle the rest.

Yes, I’m doing exactly like that, I’m choosing profile, then go to advanced, it states 30fps and I’m choosing 60fps like in screenshot.
So what should I do to make my videos true 60fps?

C’est au moment de la création de votre projet (donc au tout début) que vous devez définir le mode vidéo.
Cliquez sur Automatique
Sélectionnez dans la liste le format que vous souhaitez.
Au moment de l’export, ne cliquez pas sur avancé, Shotcut exportera automatiquement avec le bon profil défini au début.

It is at the time of creation of your project (so at the very beginning) that you must define the video mode.
Click on Automatic
Select from the list the format you want.
When exporting, do not click on advanced, Shotcut will automatically export with the correct profile defined at the beginning.

Thanks, now I see the problem. It was set to automatic, but according to description (photo below)
Screenshot 2024-09-13 145515
first clip was from other phone in low quality 30fps.

Now is there any possibility to convert my project to 60fps? Or I need to edit all video from the beginning again?

What about advanced - I still need to go there and select color range, because with MPEG (which is set by default) colors are washed out, and with JPEG colors are vibrant, same as source.

Look here

Thanks, but that thread was about images, not videos. And everything is clear to me about colors, my question was about possibility to convert current project to 60fps.

Video Mode is in the Settings menu. You can change it with an open project to change the project’s video mode. You can also click Timeline > Output > Properties > Edit to access the custom video mode dialog.

Thank you!!! It really helped.
In my opinion Shotcut is a great software in general, just there are too many settings for a simple user and they are confusing. But at least this forum is very helpful :slight_smile:

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