Changing the duration of a still


I’ve looked to find an answer but I’m coming up short and I have no experience with editing so I apologize if this is a boring newbie question.

I’m trying to make a video montage using photographs for a family event. I have about 100 pictures and I would like each one to display for about 5 seconds and have a transition between pics. Is there some way I can set the 5 seconds in a batch so I don’t have to do each one individually?

Thank you in advance!!

unfortunately this is not yet supported in shotcut (you cant multiselect in Shotcut). But there is some workaround. See this thread:

Or you can try another free program PhotoFilmStrip download |

  1. Add your first photo to the project
  2. Add the first photo to the Playlist
  3. Select the photo by single left-click
  4. Select Properties from the Toolbar
  5. In the Properties panel look for Duration, set it to your liking and click Set as Default
    All photos will have this duration on the Timeline from now on - until you change it, which you can do even within the same project. Enjoy!



Thank you, this is helpful!

I think I’ll show each picture for 5 to 7 seconds and would like to have a transition between each one. Is there also a way to repeat the transition between each picture?

No. Transitions need to be applied between each picture.:frowning:

Several months ago I made a slidesow with about 40 photos. I set the duration to 10 seconds. I put the first photo on the Timeline as described. Then I selected the second photo in the Playlist and added it to the Timeline with the (+) Plus icon. That automatically puts the Playhead at the end of photo clip. Use the Alt + Left arrow to move the playhead to the first frame of the second clip. Then, use the Pg-Up key to move the Playhead 30 frames/1 second back up the Timeline. Select the second clip and drag it left to meet the Playhead and drop there. Now you have a standard, 2 second cross-fade between photos. Repeat the sequence for the remaining photos. Once you get the pattern down the slideshow actually goes together quite fast. -=Ken=-

Transitions tend to be overused. It would be like a songwriter always using a transitional chord between chords. Watch a documentary and you can get a good feel for transitions.

Yes, this works nicely. But is there a way to edit the duration of the stills after they are in the playlist? I don’t see one so far.

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OK, I just figured this out.

  • You have to right click on the clip in the playlist and pick open as clip. (opening the properties tab does not do the same thing, for some reason, even though it looks the same)

  • THEN open the Properties tab. You can now change the duration by typing in the box or clicking the up/down buttons.

  • Then you must click on _set as default_to the right.

  • Then go back to the playlist and click on the checkmark symbol on the bottom, which is update playlist

The duration will now be changed.

Unfortunately you have to do this for each clip (or picture or still).

I am a brand new user, so there may be an easier way to do this…

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Or simply double-click the playlist item.

You can now change the duration by typing in the box or clicking the up/down buttons.

You can also use the trim controls/shortcuts in the Source player.

Then you must click on _set as default_to the right.

You do not need to this step. That merely changes the duration of new images that you open.

Then go back to the playlist and click on the checkmark symbol on the bottom, which is update playlist

That is required.

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You are saying it is not necessary to click on set as default, but if I do not do so, when I go back to the playlist, the duration has changed itself back to it’s original value.

I need to educate myself on the trim controls/shortcuts in the Source player.

Where are all the shortcuts listed and can they be edited? I could not find any mention of them on the program itself.

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This should be at the top. Good Job, satrams!