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Windows 10 22H2 S/C: 24.11.17
New to ShotCut, enjoy every moment, pleasure to report hopefully it’s some “pilot error” - very familiar w/aspect ratios, etc. and reviewed many posts before posting, e.g.
Getting this mysterious warning “! aspect radio does not match project video mode, which casues black bars” yet both original video is confirmed to be 480x360 4:3 (by mediainfo)
Duration : 47 min 56 s
Bit rate : 435 kb/s
Width : 480 pixels
Height : 360 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 4:3
Frame rate mode : Constant
Frame rate : 25.000 FPS
Color space : YUV
Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
Bit depth : 8 bits
Scan type : Progressive
Also, in video properties inside S/C
clearly shows aspect ratio of 4:3 and 480x360, yet, when setting that in the EXPORT section, the warning is displayed with yellow exclamation mark:
Changing to 16:9 makes the warning go away… There is a single track, and tried to remove it completely, then set the export to those values and re-open, still, the warning appears…
Unclear why it would warn when the source and output are set to same values.
There is no 16:9, no mixing of other video/audio, just a single video file with one video/audio muxed in an mp4 file.
how did you setup your video project?
1.77 or 1.78 is 16:9.
If you want to have a 4:3 output your project must be set to the desired pixel settings or a multiple of this.
You can change this under Settings->VideoMode->Custom->Add
or in the beginning when creating a new project by clicking the VideoMode Button…
I do not think that this is a bug.
Thanks Alex!
Probably not a bug in pure sense, although appears as maybe a “usability” issue, thanks now noticed the project settings (Video Mode), I did not try the Auto, was just “throwing” videos into the tool
Now paying more attention, seeing the warning appear as follows:
here both export and video mode are 720p, yet warning… why? There is no video imported at this point yet.
On flip side, here, no warning, yet the selected resolution is clearly not 4:3:
shouldn’t it give the warning here, again, no video loaded yet.
Please feel free to move conversation to appropriate section in forum…
Forgot to mention, added Custom-> ADD 480x360, video mode, and still warning is there on the export panel, with 480x360 4:3 selected as export…
not clear why it insists on that warning…
That is not the Video Mode, which is in Settings menu. New Project video mode is only used if you click the Start button in that view.
If you want to change an existing project’s video, you need to first open the project and then change it in Settings > Video Mode. Things you change in Video Mode when no project is loaded will not affect a saved project!
Yes, that became apparent after first reply… however, subsequent posts show screenshots with the warning without any video loaded, and project set to same resolution as the export selection, why warn when both are same resolution, OR alternatively, why NOT warn when they are in opposition, please refer to screenshots from prior post.
Hmm… screenshots were uploaded, see earlier post starting with "Thanks Alex!
Probably not a bug in pure sense, "
Here it is spelled out, both show the Export dialog (left) next to the project new video selection (right) side by side.
FIRST image shows resolution of 720p which is exactly 16:9, yet, there is a “warning” relating to aspect radio… concurrently, the new project is set to 720p too… question WHY warn ?
SECOND image again shows resolution of 720p, which is NOT 4:3, yet, NO warning is printed re mismatching aspect ratio, concurrently, the new project video mode is set to… 4:3 640x480… (matches the aspect ratio on export), question, why NOT warn since resolution is not in-line with aspect ratio selection…
The real video mode is shown when you have a project opened in the properties panel when you select the “Output” text from the top left part of the timeline (or as alex says in the settings).
Your screenshot is not conclusive as it seems that at that point you don’t have a project opened so the video mode you select there is only for a “New project” not the existing one. Until you actually create a new project that selection does nothing.
It is true that when nothing is loaded (when you can see the “New Project” view in Shotcut) that changing some things in Export > Video can show a pointless warning. I will make a change for the next version to suppress the warnings in that case, but in the meantime, it should be obvious that they are meaningless since nothing is open. Again, in New Project, which is optional, the Video Mode in that view does not do anything until you click Start.
If you want to change the current video mode use Settings > Video. When nothing is open, Settings > Video Mode affects the next non-project file opened since a project saves its video mode. When something is open, Settings > Video Mode changes the current project.