I have low-quality home video footage in incandescent lighting.
I wanted to correct as much as possible the yellow cast of this video.
I started reading about colour correction and colour grading, I watched some tutorials but they were not helpful because they talked about specific tools from commercial video editors, using adjustment layers or even moving masks for local adjustments quasi-automatically, but with the use of these tools there is little talk about manual adjustments.

Shotcut has a specific provision for colour management. In it are visible different graphics that can help with the task of colour adjustment.
I never used my time to learn about these graphics and what they represent, but now I think it would be good to understand a bit about their purpose.
In my video, I would like to eliminate that yellowish-orange tone that floods the whole scene, but at the same time, I want to keep the natural flesh tone of the people.
I probably need a combination of filters.
I know this might be a bit of an extreme job and might not be possible. Also, the video in the badly lit areas has noise (grain), but that is another problem to be solved later.
It’s not that I’m lazy that I haven’t looked for the information (here in the forum or outside) but I didn’t find what I’m looking for.
Does anyone know of a resource or information as a practical (not theoretical) guide to understand a bit about these graphics?
What is the purpose of the Video Zoom included in the Video Vector?
It is a dense subject I admit it.
Thank you in advance for any help or advice.