Color matching

Thank you for the information; this is always welcome to a tech geek like me.

I have always found the conceptualization model of color grading (whether in image editing or video editing) to be counter-intuitive and difficult to use. (It is mostly the Dark:Midtones:Light zones or arbitrary points rather than a continuum from dark to light that twists my brain.) What is intuitive for one person will be counter-intuitive to another, so to those who are comfortable with this model - The more power to you!
Finding Color Grading difficult, I would rather fix it in Contrast if possible and never use the Color Grading filter controls.

I am more comfortable with the “transfer function” conceptualization, as exemplified by the “Color:Curves” tool in The Gimp image editing software.
I have been wondering if it would be possible to build a filter which used this conceptualization, this set of controls (and maybe even the same software; The Gimp is Open Source) as a front end for the same underlying filters used by Color Grading and Contrast.
That would be a whole lot easier for me to use, and I suspect for many others like me.