YouTube, X uploads butchering videos

YouTube, X uploads butchering videos.
We made some videos using a Galaxy S23. They do not look bad. With good light that actually look pretty good. When they are uploaded to YouTube or X, they look bad. It is most obvious when the camera pans from left to right or right to left. Parts of the image start to jitter. Is there anything we can do about it?

I am not familiar with the S23, so please pardon my questions if they don’t apply.

  • Is the S23 shooting at 24fps? If so, try 30fps or 60fps.
  • Is shooting, editing, and uploading all done at 4K? If not, it’s worth a try as 4K videos get higher bitrates from YouTube.
  • If uploading in 4K, are you waiting long enough for YouTube to transcode and deliver the 4K version? Often, the 360p version is immediately available, then the higher resolutions trickle in as YouTube gets around to it.
  • Are any sharpening filters used in Shotcut? If so, maybe dial them down.
  • What are the export settings? Maybe the quality is too low.
  • Are the panning shots outdoors in bright sunlight? If so, the shutter speed will be too fast unless the phone has ND filters over the camera lens. A shutter speed that’s too high creates a strobe light effect.

30 fps at 4k. Everything is done in 4k.
We are seeing the full version. As a matter of fact we just checked on youtube and it is horrible at high res. It stuttering all over the place in all qualities.
No sharpening filters
Not sure it is the shutter speed. The video does not stutter until it is uploaded.
We are hoping the export settings could help. Do you have any recommendations?
We did a test by uploading the original version directly and it was better. Thanks for your help.

In Shotcut, can you take a screenshot of the Properties tab for one of your source clips? Also, what do you have the Video Mode set to in Shotcut?

One common cause of “stuttering” is if the source clips is VFR or if Shotcut has trouble seeking in the file. This can be of help:

As a test , you could convert a clip and upload the result to see if that helps.

All of the clips are converted. We have tried different settings for the video when it is taken and in video mode. None have made any difference. We would like to focus on the export settings first because we do not know much about them and have not used that many of them. Another reason is that the issues are with the videos once they are uploaded to X or you tube. Also, is there a way to reduce noise in shotcut? Could you recommend some export settings for uploading videos to youtube, we could try them and get back to you on the results. If it does not help we will delve deeper until we find a solution. Thank you for your help.

We recommend the default YouTube export preset. This preset has been validated by thousands of Shotcut users to work well with YouTube. We do not recommend changing any settings in the “Advanced” export settings. Also, turn off hardware encoding if you are using that.

See the family of noise reduction filters:


  1. The project and the video use exactly the same settings.
    Aspect ratio 16:9
    30 fps

We used your recommended settings for export and uploaded it to a different youtube account. No jitter at all. We then deleted the video and uploaded it again to the other account and it is jittering all over the place. We are going to try and rename it and upload it again. Will keep you posted. Thanks

You guys have been extremely helpful. We thank you.After doing some further testing we have discovered that the issue was watching the video using Brave Browser. It jitters all over the place. Using Firefox it does not jitter at all.

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