V19.12 BETA now available

ColorPicker.qml has the following behavior:

            // If the user changed color but left alpha at 0,
            // they probably want to reset alpha to opaque.
            console.log('currentColor.a=' + currentColor.a + ' currentColor=' + currentColor + ' myColor=' + myColor)
            if (currentColor.a === 0 && !Qt.colorEqual(currentColor, myColor))
                currentColor.a = 255

It is not necessary for release, but it might be good to have aligned behavior.

We found a fix for this for the next version 19.12.

Now I see how it works. It’s not very intuitive, but as you said it’s not a bug.

Could this option that was recently added to the Audio Light Visualization:

where you can pick the amount of colors to add be included in the Gradient filter?

Was the fix applied already? Because it seems to have been reduced a little it but the white flashing still happens.

The rotation and scale filter no longer works correctly.
Place a 4 sec still image on the timeline
Put a keyframe at the start with a scale factor of 350%
Move the playhead 2 s on the right and put the same keyframe
Put a keyframe at the end with a scale factor of 100%
During the first 2 seconds the image flattens while it should remain fixed

I made this change for the next release:

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No, the underlying frei0r plugin only supports 2 colors at this time.

Was the fix applied already?

No, it was committed today.

It was working as long as you did not use the add keyframe button in the parameter track header. This version adds support for a curve representation of Scale keyframes, which exposes the add keyframe button resulting in this bug. This bug is fixed for the next version 19.12.

Ripple trim and drop is broken V 19.12.14.

When creating overlap transitions, clips above and below the track where the transition is being created are trimmed.

This is not happening with V 19.10.20

I think you mean specifically when adding a transition. Thanks, I have fixed it for your demo case of adding a transition by drag-n-drop. It was doing a ripple all tracks action. I fixed that, and it properly follows the ripple all option now.