From the FAQ
Have you tried converting your video footage to Edit Friendly? Click on the video clip, then Properties. There is a button on the properties panel Convert….
Does Shotcut crash or does the Export fail?
If Shotcut does crash there might be useful information in the shotcut-log.txt
file. Just drag and drop the file into the reply window to upload.
If the Export fails, save the job log file.
What is the project Video Mode set to? Click on Output (Timeline), then Properties.
- Resolution?
- FPS? (Frames per second)
What are the source video specifications? Click on a clip, then Properties.
- Resolution?
- FPS?
Sometimes mismatched FPS source video to project video mode will produce undesired results. For example, if your video mode fps is set to 30.00000 fps, and your source video fps is 30.002339, then your next source video fps is 30.002349, these are mismatched. Converting your video to Edit Friendly may help resolve the issues.
When you selected the YouTube preset for Export, did you enter into Advanced and change any settings? If so, what settings were changed?
Are you running any anti-virus programs? If so, have you attempted to turn them off and then export them again?