The new update (20.02.17) broke it to the point of Shotcut being almost unusable. The black screen instead of the video in the player window when viewing project. Workaround - drag any source file to the preview window, then back to the project. But most timeline manipulations lead to the black screen.
The “Timeline Project” view actually moves the timeline off the screen - have to manually adjust every time.
If you move the audio all the way to the left, the first second or so is jittery.
Holding arrows left or right stops after one or two advances and locks up.
A few other glitches… Unstable, jittery, slow, freezes…
If you want to use an older version, you can find them all here.
You can also install multiple versions by just naming a different folder for Shotcut to go into.
The only real risk of using multiple versions is not having your projects work correctly between the different versions.
If you’re on Windows 10, one thing to consider is Windows might be downloading/installing updates in the background. I’ve got a fairly good computer as well and it just makes my computer real slow as well. Each time I forget windows does this then I go to restart and get the see the update in the shutdown menu.
Thanks for the multiple version hint, but the rest is not applicable. You might as well also say to check for conflicts, CPU % usage, RAM allocation, and other rudimentary stuff. I am able to run several heavy apps at the same time with no issues, Windows update or not (not, in this case).
When I say the new update broke it, I did a ton of troubleshooting. And no, display method change does not fix it, nothing else is running, plenty of CPU/RAM resources.
Several restarts/reboots with the same result. Actually, from the get-go (as soon as you open the project and try to play it), the player window is black. The audio plays fine. Dragging any source clip into the player, and then back to the project fixes it temporarily, until the next edit. Audio is jittery at the start for the first 1/2 sec.
I mean how much greater of a detail do you want me to provide? I even provided the work-around I discovered…
However, something you said made me think: the project was, indeed, started in the previous version. But this should not be a problem for the app, right? I mean it should be able to handle its own projects, albeit from the previous version, and this one is very simple - a few transitions, animated title, some slides and music…
I have not tried going back. The project was pretty much finished, so I just struggled through it and rendered it out fine. The next step will be to create a brand new project in the new version and see if the problem persists…
My fault entirely. Anyone should know not to upgrade the software in the middle of a project. Duh
You should go back to see if the problem you are talking about goes away.
Also you say that this happened in the middle of a project. Did you test out these issues of 20.02.17 you are experiencing outside of the project you are working on?
Can’t add any specifics as to why the OP’s version is unstable, except to say that latest Shotcut on older MacPro (dual Xeon) a.k.a. “Cheese Grater” working fine with Sierra.