Unable to download Shotcut new version 23.06.14

Attempted downloading Shotcut version 23.06.14 several times on window 10. Icon appears on desktop, local disc, task bar. When I click Icon, loading plugins appears for a few seconds then disappears. Read through and tried most posted fixes. Removed previous versions now I have none.

Read this post.

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Thanks Hudson55x. I followed your detailed description and found my graphics system is not compatible for version 23.06.14 It only goes up to 10-1. I was hoping to upgrade to use the new filter sets. For that I guess I need at least a windows 11.

No, it isn’t your OS but rather your graphics card that cannot run the latest version (based on your dxdiag output). There are plenty of users running Windows 10 and the latest version without issue, so in your case upgrading the OS to Windows 11 won’t help (just in case you were considering that path).

Now I have a bigger problem! I don’t have any version of Shotcut on my Windows 10. I can’t find an older version on the site.

Thanks PoisonedSlice. I was considering that. I’ll have to get my computer looked at.

Look more closely on the download site. There are links to older versions.

The Windows 7 installer is the last version that works with your hardware until you upgrade your graphics processor.

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Thanks Brian. Went to older versions and successfully downloaded V The one I’ve been working with.

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