Titles with SPIN effect - Template

I created this animated titles template earlier today:

Grab it if you like it!
It’s free.

Spin Titles Template.zip (6.0 KB)


Download and decompress the ZIP file

There are two MLT files in the package that you can use as templates.

Spin-title-01_3-seconds.mlt The title stays static for 3 seconds.

Spin-title-01_4-seconds.mlt The title stays static for 4 seconds.

You will also find a TXT file with a copy of these instructions.

Aside from the total length of the animation, both MLT files are identical and work the same.
The Video Mode used is 1920 X 1080, 30 fps

How to use these files

Open the MLT file of your choice in a blank session of Shotcut.
You will see these 4 tracks in the Timeline:

Background track:

The clip on this track is black and semi-transparent.
It it used to darken any content under the titles, making them easier to read.
Select the clip and go to the Properties panel if you want to adjust the color of the clip and/or its transparency.

Line track:

The clip on this track is used to generate and animate the white line.
To edit its color, select the clip and go to the Properties panel.
Unless you are an experienced user, I don’t recommend you change anything else on this track.

Top Title and Bottom Title tracks:

You can edit many of the parameters of the Text: Simple filters on these two tracks.

What can you edit?

  • Obviously, you can replace the default text.
  • I chose the Boris Black Bloxx font in the templates. But you can use any font you like.
  • You can change the font size, color and outline.
  • If you change the default font and/or the size of the font, you will probably need to also adjust the vertical Position of the text.

I don’t recommend you modify the other parameters, but of course you are free to experiment if you want.

The only real restriction is to make sure that your titles do not exceed the width of the middle line.

When you are done editing the template, you have 2 options:

Option 1: Save As…

  • Save (File > Save as…) the template under a different name (ex: myproject_titles01.mlt)
  • In any project where you want to use this animation:
    • Go to File > Open MLT XML As Clip…
    • Navigate to the folder where you saved your MLT file
    • Select the file and click on Open.

The animation will start playing in the viewer. Grab it there and drag it to the timeline or to the Playlist.

NOTE: Like I said above, the template Video Mode is set at 30 fps. You may experience compatibility problems if you open it in a project with a different framerate. If you notice any odd behaviors, try Option 2.

Option 2: Export as a video clip with alpha

  • Go to the Export panel.

  • In the Presets list, choose the Quicktime Animation preset. If you don’t see it, click to open the alpha sub-list.

  • Click the Export File button.

  • Drag/Import the resulting video clip in any of your projects. No need to add a Chroma Key or a Blend Mode filter. All transparencies are preserved when exporting with the Quicktime Animation preset.

I did many test and didn’t find any bugs in the templates. But nobody’s perfect.
So if anyone finds something wrong, report it here. Please and thank you.



Looks good. Thanks, now I have all your resources… Muahahah :ghost:… (I think it’s already used somewhere).

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Wrong. There’s a couple more in the oven, almost ready to serve.


Nice effect, looks nice, thanks for sharing


I liked it and grabbed it! Great work as ever, @MusicalBox !

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I do find something wrong, the problem is I can’t stop using it in my videos. They are so good to stop. It suits each of my video clip.

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@TimLau, @jonray, @Ar_D

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I changed my mind - I didn’t like it.

I LOVED IT! :rofl:

So I made a demo:

Sunset Over a Distant Horizon - TITLE demo using Musicalbox’s template overlays. The title appears twice. One is the imported MP4, with BLACK background, and a Blend Mode:ADD filter applied in Shotcut. The other is the exported .MOV file, which has transparency. Can anyone tell which is which,


Sorry, I didn’t see your reply @jonray
Looking good!
Sounds good too! Is that a flute we hear in the video by any chance? :wink:

Thank you for this animated title template. That’s a nice effect, thanks for sharing.

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You’re welcome @SergeC. And thanks to you for the kind comment.

The flute playing - I can’t quite work out who the flute player is :wink: :upside_down_face: Probably some top flutist like James Galway or something … :rofl:

Well @jonray, in my ears, there is kind of an oriental vibe to this piece of music. And it reminded me of a cartoon I used to watch religiously when I was oh so very young.

It’s called Hashimoto San, the Japanese mouse. Maybe you remember it too:

It was probably through this cartoon that I was first made aware of the Japanese culture. Maybe that’s why it comes back to mind every time I hear or see anything vaguely related to Japan or Asia.

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You are perceptive! You noticed my use of the pentatonic scale then … :wink:
I’ll post the completed video when finished.
Thanks for the Japanese video. “Permit me please, to introduce, most humble self …” Brilliant! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hmmm… I didn’t know scales had names.
I have one scale at home. It doesn’t have any name, but it has strong opinions.
When I walk into the bathroom, I can almost hear it scream “You’re too fat!! Get away from me!”


Music Teori 101
An octave in western music has 12 notes (Chromatic)
A scale is a ways to select a subset of these notes, that sounds good together.
Scales like mayor, minor has 8 notes.
the Pentatonic scales has only 5 notes. Maybe most known for Blues music.
Scales has a root key (ex. C) and the rest is selected by musical intervals ( number of semitones) from the root key.
C Mayor: C-D-E-F-G-A-B
C Mayor Pentatonic: C-D-E-G-A

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When I stand on mine it just says: “One at a time please”!


That got me interested in reading about Music Scales on Wikipedia (I like the idea of the ditonic scale):

Scales may be described according to the number of different pitch classes they contain:

Scales may also be described by their constituent intervals, such as being hemitonic, cohemitonic, or having imperfections. Many music theorists concur that the constituent intervals of a scale have a large role in the cognitive perception of its sonority, or tonal character.

The number of the notes that make up a scale as well as the quality of the intervals between successive notes of the scale help to give the music of a culture area its peculiar sound quality. The pitch distances or intervals among the notes of a scale tell us more about the sound of the music than does the mere number of tones.

Scales may also be described by their symmetry, such as being palindromic, chiral, or having rotational symmetry as in Messiaen’s modes of limited transposition.

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Too many Wagon Wheels!! :rofl:


When I stand it says, “Please put a weight.”