Time Indicator in the timeline

So far I used 3y old version of shotcut but recently I upgraded it and now I have an issue with that time indicator (however it’s called) in the timeline. I’ll attach vid what I’m talking about.

When I hit play this timeline indicator is moving to the right showing each frame of the vid. But when it approaches to the far right of the screen timeline JUMPS and now time indicator is moving starting from the left. Timeline is kind of never moving but time indicator. Why?! I track the timeline and I don’t want it to jump.
Previously, in old version, time indicator would stay in the right side of the timeline and timline would move to the left. No jumping on the screen.

Hope you get my point and can advice how to switch that behavior in the settings. I couldn’t find anything about it.

There are new options to change the timeline scrolling behavior. You can read about it here:

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Yes! This is it! Thank you so much! :pray: :heart:

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