Using latest Shotcut - subtitle panel shows fine, exporting .srt works , two issues/questions:
sometimes the subtitles do not “follow along” the player, when it works the highlighted text/line appears in sync to video playback, but when it doesn’t work, no text is highlighted AT ALL.
Not looking to burn-in or merge into timeline, just to match the player/playback on the subtitle track panel…
Trying to shift all by few seconds, as described here: Subtitles shifted by ~1 second
Turned ON Ripple , however when moving a text to left ONLY IT MOVES all the other text remains fixed… Is there a simple way to shift ALL text forward/backards by fixed amount?
Thanks for the reply! Much appreciate it! The sliding solution is WONDERFUL, very simple!
As for the titles not following the player, that IS the problem, the checkbox IS marked, however, I’ve moved onwards for the moment , will keep an eye if it happens again, I suspect some heavy trimming to timeline (video and audio) somehow caused it to stop following the timeline that the player is at (say minute 7, the subtitles are not there…)
For moment I’ve given up on synching since doing pretty massive edits, maybe one day it will auto-adjust, OR better yet, “feed” the video to some auto-generation subtitles, I’m sure there are solutions out there…
Thanks very glad to have found ShotCut, it’s a Night day compared to OpenShot, and similar tools, no words to describe, ShotCut is very powerful for such edits.
Oh dear!!
FIGURED IT OUT… so sorry… it’s a “newbie” mistake - when LOADING the subtitle (export) option, it appears that the LOCATION at the timeline is taken RELATIVE to the loaded subtitles, so, if it happens to be anywhere OTHER THAN 00:00:00.00 (start), then the subtitles will be OFFset, by that much… probably makes sense, from technical/ flexible point of view, but a bit of a WOW effect it happened on the next clip w/o any edits whatsoever, so… figured…
sure enough the import help says “at present position in timeline” so all is clear now.