Hi Kevin,
Seen your other post. We all can help you figure out the filter. As far as I know there is no video/text tutorial on it yet. Tutorials are created by people like yourself to help others out. There is no paid staff creating tutorials for Shotcut.
It would be helpful to put in great deal what you want to accomplish. A great example is posting a YouTube video showing (i.e. from 4:13 to 4:29) want you want to accomplish this. Usually within hours to maybe a few days you’re going to get people posting what they think is the most helpful. The more you define your goal, the more defined people will make their recommendations to you on how to use the filter.
Useful information to help us help you would be listing things like:
- Video Mode (size/fps)
- Source video/image resolutions that you need to work with
- Length/duration of movement(s)
- Directions of movement(s)
What have you tried with the filter that didn’t work the way you expected it to work?
A crucial part to using this filter for you could be using Keyframes. Might want to learn/practice keyframing with Shotcut with just one part of the Size, Position, Rotate filter to get a better understanding of how things work, and what to expect.