Size Changing When Fewer Frames


I have an MP4 video which exceeds X’s file size limit of 512meg. I pull this into Shotcut, and change the frame rate from 50 to 30 frames to bring the file size down. Under Export>Advanced, I make sure the frame size of 1080x1920 is the same as the original file, and the aspect ratio is 9.16. However, when I export and open the new file, it seems physically smaller on screen, even though it still shows the same 1080x1920 resolution. Any ideas on how to keep the same physical dimensions as the original would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.


  1. Start a new project
  2. Set Video Mode to Vertical HD 30 fps (Settings → Video Mode → Non-Broadcast → Vertical HD 30 fps)
  3. Export without going into Advanced settings

Changing settings within Export → Advanced can bring undesirable results. No programming is in place to tell you have made invalid decisions.

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