Shotcut started crashing immediately after opening

What is your operating system?
Windows 10 64bit

What is your Shotcut version?
The version is 21.03.21

I have been using Shotcut since 2019 and never have I had a problem like this. Whenever I open Shotcut, the logo appears, then a frozen frame of the logo is in the left upper corner of my screen and then closes. Last time it was working, I remember messing around with the settings though.
shotcut-log.txt (6.7 KB)
Please help, I have a school project tomorrow and I always counted on this app.

It looks as if you screwed up your display settings. The simplest thing would be to re-install Shotcut ticking the option to “remove registry settings”. There are other way, such as editing the registry setting, or deleting them, but personally I am always nervous when I open regEdit. If you have tailored the Shotcut interface to your liking though you might want to do that instead. See here for instructions:


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