Shotcut fails to export over multiple projects (crash report contained within)

This has happened before (early in Janurary) but after an update it stopped. This is NOT a memory issue. I have exported videos like this in the past, many times. I use this program nearly everyday. So you can imagine how annoying it is to have failed exports twice in a row on 2 separate projects.

I have a solution to the problem but it is very inconvenient. I need to cut the video where the crash report says the error occured and export in pieces. This triples export times and is not acceptable on my schedule. The errors always occur at perfectly innocuous places. Just standard audio with an image on top. Not even filters to blame.

Crash.txt (1.1 MB)

If anyone has a fix it would be greatly appreciated.

I got this issue on last beta version …
I updated to 24.06.26 version and all issue is gone and could export dozen of projects in a row :slight_smile:

I am on that version. It is happening more than it did before.

From the log:

Failed with exit code -1073741819

See the documentation on this topic here:

If it always fails in the same place (the same percent), then try to change something in that area of your project to see if a specific clip or filter is causing the crash.

I adjusted every filter. It did not fix it. I replaced the image in that spot. Redid the audio in a different format. Removed the transition. It did not work. No. The forum did not help with the problem, I already read the whole thing last week.

Please. If you are a developer, can you look at the crash report and see what happened. This has happened over 2 separate projects. Like I said, I use this software nearly every day. I had contractual obligations to finish the project. This is incredibly frustrating.

I’m sorry, but the log does not give a specific reason for the crash. One hint is that the crash happens after opening these two files:

C:/Users/rapto/OneDrive/Desktop/YouTube Stuff/Audio/Music/Chill-Bop/Octember/Something Wicked.mp3
C:/Users/rapto/OneDrive/Desktop/YouTube Stuff/Ambience/Backdrop - American Venom.mp4

As a test, you could try removing those files and see if the export can succeed.

Also, can you share your application log (not the export log)? That might offer some clues.

These are not crash logs, they are activity logs. There are no crash logs unless you run a debug build, and then it only applies when not exporting (export is a background separate program).

You need to share your project file. If a developer is unable to reproduce it by substituting with their own similar media (guesswork), then you will also need to provide all of the media. You could share that privately with a cloud drive link. I am traveling for the next two weeks and unable to look into it myself until end of July or early August.

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