Shotcut CHALLENGE: Reproduce a Text Animation

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a challenge posted on the forum. I think the last ones were back in the lockdown days.

The one I propose today is a mix of easy and tricky. Your task is to recreate the text animation you see in this video:

First, you’ll need to figure out which filters were used - that’s the easy part. But then comes the trickier bit: Finding the right combination of keyframes to achieve a smooth and fluid animation.

Everyone is welcome to take part. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, feel free to share your attempts, even if they’re not perfect. The point here is to learn and practice editing techniques, and most importantly, to have fun.

If you manage to crack the solution (either partially or fully), you can share videos of your progress and results. BUT PLEASE DON’T REVEAL YOUR METHOD RIGHT AWAY. Give others a chance to figure it out, too.


I spent 10 minutes on this, of which 5 minutes I waited for the new version of shotcut to download :laughing:
p.s. I just missed the mark with the timings and perhaps with the type of key frame.

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This is a brilliant challenge. I’d love to have a go! The bad news for me, though, is that I’m currently working on a commission for two music projects but I’ll see if I can grab at least some free time… congrats for setting this , @musicalbox. It’s fun!

Oh no, I glanced at your post and saw a couple of filters you mentioned! Luckily I looked away quickly so I’m still not 100% sure of how you did it. BTW your effect is great, @dimadjdocent !

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You got it @dimadjdocent
But… didn’t you read this?

Thanks @jonray

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Oops… I didn’t notice that, I’ll fix it now. I’ll be more attentive, sorry.

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No problem, @dimadjdocent , I probably would have used the same filters as you anyway :smiley:

So here’s my effort so far @musicalbox - not perfect but close I think? Do I get points for the background, similar font and timings? :laughing:


Slight variation (with yellow text and easing keyframes at the end)…

and here’s a comparison between @musicalbox’s and mine…

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@musicalbox, @dimadjdocent and others - Here’s another fairly similar text effect. But how did I do it?

Tip - before you try with keyframes in SC, I didn’t use any - apart from the blur and movement of the text at the beginning…


Wow, I have no idea how this is done yet, but it makes me think, and I like it.

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Yes, very close @jonray :+1:
You got the filters right, except maybe one is missing. Hard to tell with the dark background. And the movements are fluid and smooth.
So it doesn’t matter if the animation is slightly different than mine.
I like the yellow touch. I’ll try to figure out how you did it latter this evening.

I have no idea either how you did the last one. Or maybe I do, and if I’m right, that’s is something I wouldn’t be able to reproduce on my own… I think…

Here’s a slight variation on my first animation. Just for fun.


Ingenious! Nice effect @musicalbox!

If you know me, you probably do! Details below

OK, so this is what I did:

  1. Went to this Codepen site
  2. In the left panel (HTML), changed “Generating Summary” to “Your Text”
  3. In the centre panel (CSS), changed “16px” to “90px”.
  4. Sceen-captured the WHOLE SCREEN with ShareX (alternatively, OBS) and saved as an MP4
  5. Imported the MP4 into Shotcut (V2), cropped the unwanted edges, chroma-keyed the black to make it transparent.

That’s it!

(In the case above I tried splitting the video to make the animation a little faster than the Codepen example, but it didn’t work perfectly - you can spot the joins)!

Note - credit should be duly given to the author of this HTML text animation - great work, Andreas Storm.

Tip - search “animated text” or similar in Codepen and there are usually some other examples of animated text suitable for titles in Shotcut.


I knew it !!!

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Thanks for the details. I was sure that this effect could somehow be realized only using Shotcut without using other tools.

p.s. I’ve been trying for a week now using shotcut plugins to create a fiery text effect, like in the game Diablo 2, but apparently I can’t do it without a special particle generator.

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I think the problem would be that each letter has to be given an effect individually and the effect should be staggered. Maybe possible with a filter-set - but very fiddly!

Here’s another effect I just made from Codepen:

The Codepen site I got it from: Codepen Gooey effect

Credit goes to the designer, Dicson.

Of course, what else !! ?? :smile: :smile:

J’ai beau avoir vu la solution donnée par @dimadjdocent avant qu’il ne l’efface, je n’arrive pas à reproduire. A moins que le second filtre mentionné ait été modifié depuis plusieurs versions :thinking:

Although I saw the solution given by @dimadjdocent before he deleted it, I can’t reproduce it. Unless the second filter mentioned has been modified for several versions :thinking:

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Celle-là me laisse perplexe !
Vous l’avez réalisée entièrement avec SC, sans utiliser de logiciel externe ?
Aura t’on un jour la solution ?

This one leaves me perplexed!
Did you do it entirely with SC, without using any external software?
Will we one day have the solution?

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Hi @Namna, good to see you!
When I get a spare moment I will post the MLT of how I reproduced it. :slight_smile:

Salut @Namna, content de te voir !
Quand j’aurai un moment libre, je publierai le MLT de la façon dont je l’ai reproduit. :slight_smile:

Hi @namna, @musicalbox, @dimadjdocent - here’s how I did text effect #1:

voici comment j’ai réalisé l’effet de texte n°1 :


Filters on track V2:
SC text challenge filters track V2

Filters on track V3:
SC text challenge filters track V3

Shotcut text challenge by (826.8 KB)

PS @dimadjdocent won GOLD; I got the SILVER medal. Looking forward to receiving the (hopefully substantial) PRIZE from @MusicalBox:wink: :laughing: