I think this glitch is a little more than inconvenience as I tend to do this operation dozens of times during a course of a project.
There are some conditions under which this glitch doesn’t happen:
- This glitch doesn’t happen if there is no space between the start of the Timeline and the In position of the clip; i.e., if the In of the clip is 00:00:00 on the timeline.
- This glitch doesn’t happen if the clip is sufficiently short so that it fits within the Keyframe panel’s width. The playhead in the Keyframes panel just disappears.
- This giltch doesn’t happen if one of the filters is one with the VUI such as Position, Size, and Rotate, Crop: Rectangle, and Text: Simple.
Say there are multiple keyframes across filters someone wants to synchronize. The user goes back and forth between filters, but every time the user clicks on one of the filters, the Keyframe panel view needs to be adjusted to see the keyframes.