My first time “scoring to picture” where I created the video first and then composed the music to fit the video.
I used Gimp to create the various masks I needed, but key frames with the Size Position and Rotate filter in Shotcut is largely responsible for everything else.
Thanks! I have not experimented with Reaper, and indeed have not done much with digital music recently. A few years ago I experimented with LMS, Ardour, Rosegarden, and one or two other DAWs that run on Linux - the one that I have found myself coming back to for my occasional needs is LMS, more because I seem to be able to remember its interface fairly well, while I have more trouble re-acclimating to the others. I also use MuseScore from time to time.
Thanks so much for assembling and making available the Virtual Orchestra! And again, what you have done with it in the clip is most impressive.