Pasting (after copy/cut) a clip with a Speed:Forward filter stops the time effect

Windows 10 / 24.08.29

I have a clip on the timeline with a quick Speed:Forward Only effect of 1 → 0.5x → 1x.
Copy this clip and paste it somewhere else in the timeline.
The Speed filter appears active and still has the already set time keyframes.
Hit play to preview the time effect but the video is always at normal speed even though in the filter UI the speed appears to change and the duration also appears to be affected (=if I set speed to 10 the video simply ends quickly but without speeding up).


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The clip isn’t VFR by chance?

I have personally had all sorts of weird behaviour using time filters unless I convert to edit friendly, and then most of the problems vanish.

This one’s from a Gopro so it is constant.

The workaround was to delete the old filter and recreate it in the new location, thankfully it was a really simple one.

Time filters can’t be copied as far as I can see, maybe this is related.

This is a duplicate of this issue:

This is fixed for the next release later this month.

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