February 6, 2021, 5:47pm
A search for this error code returns many results to explore:
There is also a collection of ideas here:
Your export failed for one or more reasons. There is always a reason why it failed. Below are the posts by others describing their faults and solutions. This tutorial is not a definite tutorial as you may have a unique situation not described in here.
Time Code
After failure to export it may display a time code, make a note of the time displayed and look on your timeline to see what’s there that could be causing the problem. It could be a clip, audio or video file, transition.
Commonly, people will observe the timecode where the export fails, then, go to that same time in their timeline and look at what filters or transitions are being applied. Try changing or removing filters at the point where the export failure occurs.
A recent post with that same error was using a .png file with an alpha channel. After removing the alpha channel, the export succeeded:
I’m using Shotcut version 21.01.29 on Windows 10, on my first significant project.
I’m getting “exit code -1073741819” export failures. I’ve read the FAQ and other info about export bugs. There are multiple Gb of memory free, and turning parallel processing or hardware encoding off make no difference. Nor does it matter what format it is encoded to.
I’ve narrowed the problem down to a particular clip - which is a still image - and found that it only occurs when that clip has an animated S…