I’ve been trying to export a project for a while, and every time, in the same spot, it causes a fail with the message “Failed with exit code -1073741819” repeated twice. I managed to export the problematic clip by breaking it up into 3 parts, which I than put back into the project, taking the number of video tracks down from 7 to 3. I try the export again, only to find that it still fails with the same message. Is there any way to fix this? I’m willing to absolutely lobotomize the project at this point if it means I can get it exported.
One option is to take the shortest clip and remove filters one at a time until the project exports. There is a chance that a filter has a parameter value that’s out of range and causing a crash. Or it could be any number of related issues like memory usage. But this is a good place to start checking.
It isn’t necessary to wait for one export to finish before starting another one. You can export, remove filter, immediately export again, repeat, and they will queue up in the Job panel. Just name each export in a way that lets you know exactly which filter was removed, because the first job to succeed in the queue would be after the problematic filter.
Thank you for your reply. The problem with this strategy is that I already have patched out that issue. I thought the issue was with the keyframe animations, which I separately exported out into their own files and re-inserted into the project. Now the only filters I have on are Chroma Key to get rid of some solid-black I had in the project and a text filter on one. I have no idea what could be causing the issue except that the project I am working on could be entirely broken. The other night as I was working on it it crashed and it listed the project file as missing. It was not, but when I inserted it back in it created a new project identical to the old, and now, I’m wondering, is the project broken entirely?
Have you tried everything in this post?
Thank you so much for the help, after I located the problem area I rebuilt the clip and now it exports fine. Thank you.
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