My mlt. fails to open, and doesn't have anything in txt

Hello! Today I have been working on a project, then I had to leave my computer. After a while Shotcut shut down, and when I restarted my computer and opened the program again, I didn’t see the file I had been working on.

Maybe someone will help.
(I looked through several topics on this problem, but neither of them helps.

аутро тир.mlt (135.4 KB)

Your file, unfortunately, is unrecoverable. It happens sometimes. The cause is not known yet.

Thank you for the answer! I have started to remake that.

Sorry to hear about your problems. If you are working on a large/long project it is a good idea to save your MLT file at regular intervals and to make a separate copy, with versioning (project_v1.mlt, project_v2.mlt …). That way if one gets corrupted you don’t lose all of your work, you just revert to the previous version.

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