I have a motion tracker to track an object, which works well, I call it Möve. When adding Size Position and Rotation to the stack after that, loading key frames from motion tracker and setting to Möve, regardless of what other option I use, the zoom I set is always reset to 100% or about 3% for some reason.
My goal is to keep the desired object at the same position on the screen but at a zoom level I set.
Based on the following:
One way to do this might be to place the motion tracker on a duplicate clip underneath the original. Then add the Size Position & Rotate filter to the original (top track) with your preferred zoom, and only then apply the motion tracker back to the original clip.
Also, I don’t think you should have to use two separate tracks, so check the order of your filters - the SPR should probably be below the motion tracking filter.
Have you tried to set the zoom first then after that load keyframes from the motion tracker? I remember doing a zoomed in motion tracker a while back so it should work in some particular order.
Yes! I didn’t read the OP fully and assumed the zoom was done before tracking. That’s why I suggested adding the zoom to a duplicate track and THEN applying the tracking after, which should achieve the same result.
object at the same position on the screen
Usually means using the Offset Position option in the Size, Position & Rotate filter to applying tracking:
Have you tried to set the zoom first then after that load keyframes from the motion tracker?
That works in general but not for this use case. When you change the size, then the calculated offset position is no longer applicable.
Add a second Size, Position & Rotate filter with the desired zoom.
While the discussion went on, I came to adding another Size, Position & Rotate filter by myself just for zoom and it works, so what you mentioned is the solution.
Or rather workaround, because still, it’s a bug and it should be fixed.
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