My first VS code tutorial

I just started making my yt videos again, and created a vs code tutorial. Constructive criticism is welcome…

Arpit, I would offer a few suggestions; I hope these are helpful:

  1. Consider showing your face full-screen at the beginning and maybe the end, and not showing your face in a window while you are focused on the code editor. (At first, while you are showing us things to do in the code editor, I was looking at your face, and then realized I was missing what I needed to be focused on).

  2. Better lighting will help - it was a bit difficult to see your facial expressions.

  3. I would suggest more clarity about exactly what you are targeting in this video. I have done a lot of programming, but never used VS; thus, for me, it would have been helpful to be more systematic in talking through how VS handles different languages and how to set it up for Python before actually writing the Python code. Of course, you may be assuming that viewers know how to use VS, and if so, I would suggest saying that clearly at the beginning.

Again, I hope this feedback is helpful!

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I agree with @awake comments. Especially #3. It took me a while to realize the tutorial was about a software called Visual Studio Code. I thought at first it was a python tutorial.

That said, I discovered a new toy to play with. I use Notepad++ to edit HTML and CSS files. I’ll give this VS Code a try.

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Yes, I think I did a mistake, while making the video, I was thinking to do something else, while editing, I was thinking to do something else, and while uploading I did that again.

So this was not a good tutorial, I will again make a good tutorial.

I also used notepad++ like you, I just changed to VS code a while back ago when I started learning python by watching a YouTube video, the person in the video told that “VS code is the perfect thing to do coding, it has a lot of features. And especially it’s from Microsoft, so it’s safe, and it’s also open source. So, let’s just install VS.”

It was a very easy experience while coding in it.

First impression: Like most Microsoft apps installed on this PC, VS Code takes forever (meaning 15 to 20 seconds) to launch, while Notepad++ takes only a second or two.


I don’t know why, but VS opens in a second on my primary desktop. And Notepad++ is like a superfast thing, like 10 or 20ms.

But the 10 to 20 seconds happens on my secondary desktop, which I used to record the video.

I use Notepad++ for simple editing and inspecting text files like Shotcut’s logfile. For other more complex editing (HTML, CSS, Javascipt, C++, mlt and other XML) I use Komodo Edit:

For even more complex editing I use the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) version,

Another useful editor that is very popular in the open-source community is Atom:

See here for a review of Atom:

and here for a comparison see:


Thanks @Elusien!
After looking at your suggestions and at VS Code, I came to the conclusion that I will stick to Notepad++. :slight_smile: It’s fast, I’m used to it and it has all the features I need for now.

For a few lines of editing, or for a simple text file I agree. But I work on HTML/CSS/Javascript projects consisting of thousands of lines, and an intelligent editor that has “Intellisense” code-completions etc. is invaluable.

For example in Javascript it can show me the parameters for various object methods and object properties, that otherwise I’d have to stop editing and lookup in the documentation. If I define a method in another file within the project, Komodo Edit remembers it and will show me the parameters even if I am editing a different file in the project. It saves me a lot of time and the project management is great.

You’re right. I didn’t consider code-completions in my quick evaluations.
Notepad++ only suggest options when typing a word. It doesn’t close tags… or elements.



Well, you’ve given me an excuse to stay indoor instead of going out to shovel snow :slight_smile:
This is more urgent.

You can actualy. Goto Setting > Pref > Auto completion and tick HTML/XML.

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That shows how lazy I am… After many years using Notepad++ I never bothered to look in the preferences to check for an auto-completion feature…
Thanks for the tip!

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Naahhh…not lazy just busy. You’re welcome.

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