My animated text title experiment with filter sets

Mostly to test myself to see if could be done, I devised an animated video title sequence in SC. It’s quite complex and I used 7 tracks.

I had the idea of saving each track as a filter set. So it’s similar to a post I made previously using multiple tracks but I was keen to keep the method as simple as possible, so it works so long as you place 7 transparent tracks on top of each other.

(NB I got round how to add colour boxes and lines on a transparent clip by adding a rich text filter with no text, setting the dimensions to fill the screen and selecting a colour background)…

So here’s the effect in a demo applied to three different videos:

Here’s a short tutorial I made of how to do it.

Here’s my set of 7 filter-sets:
JonRay animated title sequence with filter (8.7 KB)

Dan posted in my previous post that using multiple tracks like this is probably better shared as a SC project. He’s right! So here’s my MLT. (Add a video of your choice on V1, or alternatively you could export it as a MOV file which will have a transparent background to overlay above your video):

JonRay animated Text effect style 01 (3.4 KB)


That looks awesome @jonray :heart_eyes: :+1:

But what would you say if I told you that you can achieve the same effect on one single clip?

Did you know that you can use the Text: Rich filter to create rectangles, squares and lines ? And that you can of course animate the position and size of those shapes.

Simply don’t put text in the filter, add a Background color, and use the Position and Background size parameters for the dimensions and position of the shape.

The best part is: You can add as many of those shapes as you want on a single clip and animate them individually.

In the crude example below, there are 3 Text: Rich filters (for the 3 rectangles), a Text: Simple filter, and a Crop: Rectangle filter (to hide the text when it’s out of blue rectangle). All on one single clip.

I learned that awesome trick in one of @Kamigeek’s tutorials by the way. This opened a huge door for me. The possibilities and almost endless.


I tried!! The problem I found was that I couldn’t figure out how to fade out individual colour shapes individually without having to use separate tracks. I guess I need to devise animations which do not relay on this. I will try to re-create my animation using only one track… Might take a week or two… :grin:

Your example is great. I would hardly call it “crude” though!! LOL :rofl:

Yep, I too clocked that from one of @kamigeek’s previous posts. All hail @kamigeek!

(BTW I mentioned I used Text:Rich in my post above) :wink:


thank :smile:

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Yes, that’s one limitation. It’s very hard for me to tell, but it looks like you only fade the blue background rectangle in your demo video. I guess you could use a separate track for that one. That would still save you 5 tracks.

Oops… I missed that part, sorry.

Désolé, je n’ai pas tout compris, certainement un problème de traduction.
@jonray nous présente un texte animé qui utilise 7 pistes, l’effet est sympa, il y a des rectangles orange et aussi des lignes horizontales orange sur un bandeau noir.
@MusicalBox précise qu’on peut obtenir le même effet sur un seul clip (piste ?), mais je ne vois pas les lignes ni le bandeau.
Je sais qu’ils ont raison tous les deux, donc cela me pose un problème :face_with_monocle:

Sorry, I didn’t understand everything, probably a translation problem.
@jonray shows us an animated text using 7 tracks, the effect is nice, there are orange rectangles and also orange horizontal lines on a black band.
@MusicalBox says you can get the same effect on a single clip (track?), but I can’t see the lines or the banner.
I know they’re both right, so I have a problem with that :face_with_monocle:

@Namna En fait, je n’ai pas tenté de copier l’effet de @jonray dans mon exemple. Cela aurait demandé trop de temps. Je voulais juste démontrer qu’il est possible d’utiliser le filtre Texte: Riche pour mettre plusieurs formes (rectangles, lignes ou carrés) dans un seul clip.

@Namna Actually, I didn’t try to copy @jonray’s effect in my example. That would have taken too much time. I just wanted to demonstrate that it’s possible to use the Text: Rich filter to insert several shapes (rectangles, lines or squares) into a single clip.

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Sans vouloir abuser, un fichier mlt ou xml pour me rendre compte ? :wink:

Without wanting to abuse, a mlt or xml file to realize me? :wink:

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Y’a qu’à demander :slight_smile:
J’ai ajouté un deuxième exemple dans le projet.

text-rich_shapes_DEMO.mlt (20.4 KB)

Just ask :slight_smile:
I added a second example in my project file,


OK, brillant. :+1: :clap:
Grâce à cet exemple j’ai tout compris et bien noté que pour dessiner des lignes, des carrés ou des rectangles il y a plus simple que les clips couleurs avec des “crop” ou des “mask”.
Encore un exemple qui illustre le dicton “C’est tellement évident, mais encore faut-il y penser”.
Bravo et merci pour le partage.

NB: Pour que cela soit parfait, il faudrait pouvoir ajouter une bordure autour du cadre et un rayon dans les angles … Idée de suggestion. :grinning:

OK, brilliant. :+1: :clap:
Thanks to this example, I’ve understood everything and noted that drawing lines, squares or rectangles is much simpler than color clips with “crop” or “mask”.
Another example that illustrates the saying “It’s so obvious, but you still have to think about it”.
Bravo and thanks for sharing.

NB: For this to be perfect, you’d need to be able to add a border around the frame and a radius in the corners … Suggested idea. :grinning:


Je pense que le filtre Texte: Riche pourrait peut-être servi de moule pour engendrer un nouveau filtre.
On balance tout ce qui a rapport au texte, et au reste on ajoute Rotation, Coins arrondis et Bordure
Et pourquoi pas des keyframes sur le sélecteur de couleur de fond?
Cela serait utile. En particulier pour @jonray dans le cas présent. Il pourrait modifier la transparence des rectangles avec des keyframes.

I think the Text: Rich filter could perhaps be used to spawn a new filter.
We throw out everything that has to do with text, and to the rest we add Rotation, Rounded Corners and Edge.
And why not keyframes on the background color selector?
That would be useful. Especially for @jonray in the present case. He could change the alpha value of his rectangles with keyframes.


Je crois que le filtre texte: riche n’est pas simple à modifier…, par contre d’autre filtres pourrait servir de base de nouveau filtre par exemple le filtre taille position et rotation qui dispose d’un paramètre couleur de fond (qui deviendrai couleur de remplissage) et permet la rotation, la mise à l’échelle et la dimension, si par exemple on y ajoute un “offset” sur la dimension et position et un paramètre “rayon d’angle” comme pour le filtre recadrer rectangle…, ce nouveau filtre pourrait servir à créer une couleur manipulable plutôt que de modifier le clip alors ce serai très intéressant pour les effets, d’avoir la possibilité de créer un solide (un filtre solide) de couleur sans avoir à passer par glaxnimate (qui est bien, mais rebute les utilisateurs de base)

I think that the text: rich filter is not easy to modify…, but other filters could be used as a basis for a new filter, for example the size, position and rotation filter, which has a background color parameter (it will become a “fill color”) and allows rotation, scaling and dimensioning, if, for example, you add an “offset” on the size and position and a “corner radius” parameter as for the crop rectangle filter, this new filter could be used to create a manipulable color rather than modifying the clip, so it would be very interesting for effects to be able to create a color solid (Solid filter) without having to go through glaxnimate (which is fine, but puts off basic users).


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@kamigeek - Good idea to use the SPR filter. I hadn’t realised it had a background color parameter…

@musicalbox - I managed to get my animation down to two tracks!! (three if you include the blue rectangular band). I put all the orange boxes on one track (but had to forego the subtle fading out of the thin lines), and the two text:simple filters (with keyframed mask) on another.

Video demo:

JonRay animated Text effect style 01 - on THREE (2.9 KB)


Just experimenting with different colours… :wink:

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Oui, mais il ne faut pas oublié que Size, Position & Rotate est notoirement gourmand en resources.
Pour tester la différence avec Texte: Riche , j’ai fais une animation avec SP&R et une avec Text: Riche.
Les deux animations sont identiques: Un rectangle de 640px par 360px qui se déplace du coin supérieur gauche vers le coin inférieur droit en 25 seconde.

Durée d’exportation:
SP&R – 28 secondes
Texte: Riche – 16 secondes

Presque le double du temps pour SP&R donc.
Cela peut faire une bonne différence dans un projet avec plusieurs animation dans le genre de celle créée dans ce post par @jonray.

Yes, but let’s not forget that Size, Position & Rotate is notoriously resource-hungry.
To test the difference with Text: Rich, I made an animation with SP&R and one with Text: Rich.
Both animations are identical: a 640px by 360px rectangle that moves from the top left corner to the bottom right corner in 25 seconds.

Export time:
SP&R – 28 seconds
Text: Riche – 16 seconds

Almost double the time for SP&R.
This can make a big difference in a project with several animations like the one created in this post by @jonray.


Good job! :+1:

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Ah, OK! Never though of that! Thanks, @namna.

Ah ok! Jamais pensé à ça ! Merci, @namna.

Thank you!!

oui c’est un filtre gourmand en ressource parce qu’il redimensionne une image ou vidéo, si c’est un nouveau filtre qui affiche juste une couleur il sera peut être moins gourmand en ressource

yes, it’s a resource-hungry filter because it resizes an image or video. If it’s a new filter that just displays a color, it might be less resource-hungry.


@jonray Thanks. Your text animation is very classy! :+1::clap:
Just a little more effort. Put all the orange Text: Rich boxes onto the rectangle track. That’s one less track!
One track with all animations; one Text & Mask track… I didn’t go any further
(It seems that Size, Position & Rotate, tracks 3 and 4, are not necessary. )

@jonray Votre animation de texte est très class ! Merci. :+1::clap:
Encore un petit effort. Descendez toutes les boites oranges Text: Rich sur la piste du rectangle. Vous gagnez encore une piste !
Une piste avec toutes les animations ; une piste Texte & Mask… Je n’ai pas approfondi davantage.
(Il semble que Taille, Position & Rotation, pistes 3 et 4, ne sont pas nécessaires.)