Hi, is there a way in shotcut to move a picture smoothly from one side to the other, zooming, from up to down, etc. like shown in documentaries? Like this video for example:
Thank you
Hi, is there a way in shotcut to move a picture smoothly from one side to the other, zooming, from up to down, etc. like shown in documentaries? Like this video for example:
Hello @Luppercus
Excellent example showing what you want to do.
You need to use the Size, Position & Rotate filter. You also need to use Keyframes with the filter to achieve what you want.
Thank you, I’ll check that
Hiya @Luppercus;
YouTube have some excellent tutorials on this sort of thing (and using Shotcut in general, which I would definitely recommend checking out). Once you understand the concept of key frames and how to zoom and move images around the screen, the rest is up to your imagination!
Very helpful thanks
It’s called the Ken Burns effect. Guess who it is named after. Another tutorial for you this one is a split screen Ken Burns: How to create a split screen Ken Burns Effect in Shotcut - YouTube
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