Project with one file in playlist, two tracks, one of the tracks has two filters applied. Each filter has multiple keyframes. Project is saved before exiting the app.
After re-opening the project I’m not getting neither filters nor keyframes. Is it by design or there is a way to preserve them?
The goal is to save everything in the project, including filters and frames.
I believe the mlt xml as clip is not a very well tested/stable feature, you should try to work within the “main” xml directly.
Not sure what effect you’re after but you can add filters to the “Output” track and keyframe it there to apply it to the entire timeline which should basically do the same as applying a filter to the mlt xml. This has always worked and is very stable for me.
I recently reported 2 bugs (and here) with mlt xml that are being fixed (or part of them, I guess it depends on complexity) for the next release. The one with output filters duplication might be connected to your issue here.
Filters and Keyframes are saved in a project, of course. Maybe you did something wrong. For example, if you do not pay attention to what is selected when you add a filter (the UI does indicate selection in multiple places), when you return to the project you might be looking in the wrong place. Filters are attached to various objects.