November 14, 2024, 4:42am
I fixed the crash for the next version 24.11.
I’m not requesting to make it work with different fps mlt in mlt
Those things are being worked on in a pull request for the version after next, and adding a warning dialog for the 24.11 is outside of that version’s scope (important, low risk fixes only).
← mltframework:nested_chain
opened 02:00AM - 04 Nov 24 UTC
This allows speed effects to XML clips.
It also adds a properties panel for XML… clips.
Also fixes this issue:
If the XML clip has a filter on the output, the filter will not appear in the project - it is "hidden" inside the chain.
Depends on
This is what the properties panel looks like (similar to the Output properties):

The way this is designed, the embedded XML will always be rendered at the XML clip profile (by the consumer producer). Then it will be converted to the project profile if necessary.
Discussion: Should we show a warning in the properties panel if the XML clip profile does not match the project profile?
Discussion: Do we want to add a button or method to lauch Shotcut from the properties panel so the clip can be edited in another instance of Shotcut? Maybe that would be confusing to have two instances at the same time.
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