"Mask: Simple Shape" keyframes in v23.05

What is your operating system? Windows 10

What is your Shotcut version? 23.05.14 (and 23.05.29)

Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?


  • Two tracks in the timeline. A clip on each track.

  • Add a Mask: Simple Shape filter to the clip on V2

  • Add keyframes to change the size of the mask, hold still for a while, then change the size again.

The expected result should look something like this:

But instead this happens:

I remember seeing this post reporting a different problem with the Mask: Simple Shape filter in v23.05. Maybe it’s part of the same bug?

@MusicalBox. Bonjour.
Effectivement, ça ressemble à ce que je décris dans le post mask-simple-shape.
Le rectangle et l’animation sont dissociés.
La seule solution actuelle que j’ai trouvé consiste à valider chaque image-clé par un clic au milieu du rectangle, même si le losange ‘linear’ est affiché dans l’onglet images clés.
Beaucoup de clics… :cry:

@MusicalBox. Hello.
Indeed, it looks like what I described in the mask-simple-shape post.
Rectangle and animation are dissociated.
The only current solution is to validate each keyframe by clicking in the middle of the rectangle, even if the ‘linear’ diamond is displayed in the keyframes tab.
a lot of clicks… :cry:

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Vous avez raison @SergeC, dans mon exemple, lorsqu’on clic sur le cercle gris au centre du rectangle de sélection, cela répare aussi le keyframe fautif.

You’re right @SergeC, in my example, clicking on the grey circle in the center of the rectangle control also fixes the faulty keyframe.

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There is another workaround - to twist any value on the key frame, which for some reason is ignored.
But of course, this should not work and this is clearly a bug.

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@dimadjdocent et @MusicalBox
C’est aussi une solution, avec 2 molettes au lieu d’un clic.
D’autre part, seules les keyframes ‘Linear’ fonctionnent. Les keyframes ‘Hold’ sont comme ‘Linear’.
Un projet crée avec V23.05.14 et des keyframes ‘Hold’ et ouvert ensuite dans V22.12.21, affiche des keyframes ‘Linear’ et non ‘Hold’.

@dimadjdocent et @MusicalBox
This is also a solution, with 2 scroll instead of one click.
On the other hand, only ‘Linear’ keyframes work. ‘Hold’ keyframes are like ‘Linear’.
A project created with V23.05.14 and ‘Hold’ keyframes, then opened in V22.12.21, displays ‘Linear’ keyframes instead of ‘Hold’.

This is fixed for the next version.