I recently upgraded to Win11/win64 shotcut 25.01.25 from version 22.12 (yes, it’s been a while). I normally move through video source with keyboard shortcuts - pgup/pgdn for big jumps, leftarrow/rightarrow, one frame, etc. Anyway, I notice with 25.01.25 that when I hold the key down I no longer get repeated input? I mean I can page down, page down, page down distinctly just fine. But if I hold page down for an extended period the frame does not advance. Is there a setting somewhere to control this (un)expected behavior?
I reproduce this as well on Windows 11 testing with Shotcut 25.01.25
Here are some notes from my testing:
- Windows 11: keyboard repeat does not work for left/right in the player
- Windows 11: keyboard repeat DOES work for text in the rich text editor
- Windows 11: left/right keyboard repeat is working in other applications for me
- Linux: left/right keyboard repeat is working on the timeline for me
Is anyone else able to get left/right keyboard repeat to work in Windows?
On Windows 10, left/right repeat works for me in the player
Shotcut v25.01.25.
I just opened Shotcut again and tried again. Now, suddenly, key repeat is working! I have no explanation for this. I did not reboot my computer. I was using it for other tasks, and on a whim I decided to try again. Gremlins in my computer?
There is probably some condition that makes it work or not work that we haven’t uncovered. Maybe something related to panel focus.
Left arrow, Right arrow, PgUp, and PgDn all work on my end with 25.01.25 on Windows 11:
- if a video or image is played on the Source tab of the player.
- if a video or image is played on the Timline (Project tab) on a single track.
They don’t work:
- if multiple videos or images are on the Timeline on multiple tracks.
- as soon as a Size, Position, and Rotate filter is applied to the video or image on the single track.
I’m going to go out on the limb and say the player can’t handle live mixing of frames unless it’s done through playback or reverse playback.
I think you cracked the code!
My suspicion is that the key repeat is set to be faster than the engine can produce frames. So if the application does not process the repeated key events, the OS stops sending the events.
To test this theory, I tried modifying the key repeat rate in the Keyboard Properties. With my test project, here is what I found:
Default setting does not work:
Slowest setting does work:
This one works:
This one does not work:
At least we have a workaround for this.
Good catch.
If a SP&R filter is applied to a clip, left/right arrows repeat doesn’t work.
Yeah, I also confirmed that changing repeat rate makes all those keys work.
Yes, thanks for that. It is easy enough to wiggle the repeat rate until it works.
FYI with default KBD properties repeat works for me on MPEG-2 720p source content (no filters). And default KBD properties repeat FAILs for me on MPEG-2 1080i content (no filters).
But on shotcut 22.12.21 all content repeat works with default KBD properties. So it seems like a shotcut change broke something, not a windows change.
100% this, I can see the issue in the same project depending on the complexity of the timeline where I start pressing Page down (anything with 4k and any kind of transparent stuff above it is too complex to hold Page down). Interestingly in 22.12.21 the playback is way smoother and page down works in the areas where it doesn’t work in latest.
I can quickly pinpoint the complex areas by clicking twice on fast forward and looking at how smooth is the playback.
The weird thing is, (and I actually noticed this before), in 22.12.21 the playback speed was way smoother when using fast forward, I think there were some changes around that time (maybe some buffering stuff) because now I can visibly see that instead of showing like 1 frame out of every 10, it shows ~10 consecutive frames and then skips one second (so instead of choppy but evenly spaced frames I can see a grouped burst of frames followed by a long pause to prepare/cache? the next batch of frames) - does this make sense?
The next version I tested (same project) is 23.05.14 and it’s as slow as 25.01.25 so I think in 2023 there were some changes that affected this.
This is fixed for the next version 25.03
I can confirm keyboard repeat is working for me now in 25.03. Thank you!
this really helps