Installation problem on Windows 7 - blank window

Appears to install correctly, but when I launch Shotcut, all I get is a shotcut window with no contents, just blank white window with Shotcut in the title bar. Nothing happens. Waited for it, nothing, rebooted, nothing.

I have repeated the installation multiple times, unistalled then I have clicked on the option to remove old versions and registry entries, I’ve also been into Regedit and deleted all entries manually (I’ve deleted MellyTech and all subkeys to ensure everything has gone). And restarted before attempting the installation again.
Windows 7 Pro 32-bit

I’ve also tried installing EVERY previous version as far back as 180702 the same problem with every version.

Shotcut is probably incompatible with your hardware or your drivers. See here:

Thanks very much!

I got it working following this post My Shotcut only has a white screen

I added an entry to my registry as a DWORD opengl=0x000000(0) and Shotcut works perfectly thank you very much!

Steps for anyone else having this problem:
0. close the non-performing installation

  1. Open RegEdit (from start menu, type RegEdit into the Search programs and files field. Hit return)

  2. In RegEdit expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER
    there should be a subfolder titled Software expand this
    then another subfolder titled Meltytech expand this
    in which there should be another subfolder titled Shotcut

  3. Select this Shotcut folder.
    The details pane should show the list of keys in the folder.
    Check - is the opengl key already there? If so, is it zero? 0x000000(0)?
    If not, open the key by clicking on the title opengl and change the value to 0.
    Then OK and close Regedit, relaunch Shotcut

If the opengl key is not present, create it as a DWORD:
from the RegEdit menu bar click Edit
then New
then from the pop-out menu select DWORD
in the new DWORD entry, just type in the word opengl
the default value is 0 so you don’t need to change that - just type opengl
then press return and close RegEdit.
Then relaunch Shotcut.

My newly repaired installation took a minute or two to respond but did, and works perfectly.

See also Display Method

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