Huge pixelated UI icons - please help if you can

Hello Everyone,

I’m pretty new with Shotcut but I could run it a couple of time successfuly on Xubuntu.
Now that I tried to run Shotcut 17.03.02 (shotcut-linux-x86_64-170302.tar.bz2) under Xubuntu 16.10 I see huge blocky user interface icons on my screen. (see screenshot)
I have installed all the recommended dependencies but it did not help. I think it is probably some missing package or setting… but I’m really out of ideas.
Any helpful input of yours would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Hi! Your issues look exactly like what this user was experiencing on Linux as well. Follow this guide for help. I hope it works! :slight_smile:

Dear Lauren,
Thank you very much for the fast - and most importantly - effective help! :smiley:
Creating a /etc/profile.d/ file with the content: QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0
Immediately solved the problem after a restart.