so I know already that SC does not yet support animated SVG files. (Still nice, that we can pull static svg and bitmaps as assets.)
But I would like to ask this community about any helpful tools which would convert my animated SVG files into video-clips which I can then pull into SC, as part of training videos. So any file-format which can be used by SC would be fine.
Please do not write scripts for me, or waste your week-end. There are some existing nerd-answers on Stackexchange (Superuser) for people who enjoy coding and tweaking scripts or who want to screen-capture from their browser. But those look not as if people are producing actual videos that way (maybe one or two animated gifs).
This question on this forum is rather meant for other users who are already doing this: How do you do it and which tools are you using please?
If you have never seen an example, go here and click on the preview (the image) in your browser (some browsers do not work of course, see the description):
As an SVG is markup (.xml), I can only think that taking a screen recording would be the easiest and fastest way to get a simple animation to a rendered video file…
Thanks Steve - it works. A boat which sticks its tongue out
(Interestingly, now you have added the direct link, your previous video in post#2 works as well!! I think I’ll create a new post about this so as not to hijack Playmountain’s thread…)
Hi Playmountain, you could try ShareX - it’s open source and I find it works well.
I usually record the whole screen (including taskbar etc), then when imported into SC add a crop filter to get rid of unwanted edges.
Hi jonray, I like the “usually” in your reply. It sounds like you have done this sort of thing before. Today is Saturday so I am trying to reduce greenery in our gardens. And I need to install a new water pump and make a well-cover…
I will check out the tool mentioned by @Steve_Ledger and yours (internet is jerky and slow again today (see my other thread)). Thanks - there is hope that we can have creatively animated text for literacy training purposes without taking weeks to learn Blender…
When I was learning how to create animated text with HTML/CSS/Webvfx a few months ago I used to create screen captures of the result rendered in Chrome. Then I discovered how to import them into shotcut via the overlay HTML filter, so I don’t do it now.
Indeed, this works and is awesome. No rendering in any browser, no need for screencapture - direct integration into SC.
I am stil learning about this Overlay HTML filter, and maybe animated SVG is not the most basic example to start experimenting (this is why in my example here, most of the CC licence got cut off). Seems that when I export to some smaller resolution, the HTML tries to “accomodate”, rather than just getting scaled down.
I guess that with animated SVGs, we can create charming training-videos for literacy with very reasonable efforts. And with SC we can bring in music and people (teachers) and make it ready for YouTube.
Wanted to make you a custom thank-you-note here, but between Inkscape and my animation syntax there were still hiccups. So here is another example from Wikipedia. Still: Much thanks to the responders.
Just to be legal: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Author Cmglee.
Oops, no .mp4 authorized here. Wonder how the other users are doing those examples. Maybe I need more brownie points… So just believe me that I got it going.
You the man! Crazy style of tutorial, but I got a lot out of that. Funny enough, I had seen the telegram-style-post of @shotcut first (because I was trying to download the new SC, so could not at the same time watch video).
So I never knew about glitches, and when I added my Overlay HTML filter, I just clicked “new” and invented a dummy name like dummy.html and got a nice clean HTML skeleton. And all it took then was to click “edit” and inside the HTML editor (the one inside SC) I clicked “insert image” and I could use the sample from without any real editing. So any artist can do that, no need to know or edit HTML. The visual editor is good enough to tweak size and position etc.